At this years' Challenge Camerounais ( JUNE 10-13th ) dubbed 'Kamerun Festival' in the German Port Ciyty of Hamburg , the Miss and Mister Challenge Camerounais Pageant promises to be an outstanding event with a new dimension . Since its inception , The Miss and Mister Cahllenge has become phenominal with its pure and unique identity as one of the best Cameroonian Beauty contest across Germany . Challenge Camerounais is one of the biggest Cameroonian cultural ,Social and Business events bringing together over 6000 Camerounians and friends around the Globe. Mister and Miss Challenge Camerounais offers a platform for cameroonians to reach thier goals and aspirations. Winners of previoes Editions have been involved in many humaniterian activites in Cameroon and across Africa. If Iyou have ideas , plans goals - so much to offer the world and what its takes to be A Miss or Mister Challenge it your turn. www.cchamburg2011.de