Renowned D.O.P sings gospel |
Tuesday, 14 February 2012 17:49 |
But if Jesus Boy had said the world had not experienced the other side of him yet, many are those who would have been Thomases. Yet, the soft-spoken film technician was quietly watering a green-bedded and sprouting artistic nursery which has now bore ripe sweet fruits - Splendid Praise. Splendid Praise is a gospel music album which is coming to reveal the Bamenda-based techno-artistic young Cameroonian as a fine singer. Released a couple of months ago, Splendid Praise has been on circulation and is being savoured in homes and cars. The four-track album which is one of the newest in Cameroon is aimed at supplying comfort to souls, especially in the present context of societal ills and hardship. “Solutions to these problems can only be found in the Bible. People do not need to go looking for solutions elsewhere,” said Jesus Boy. “That’s the message I’m driving across in my songs,” the singer added, on the line to Bamenda. Jesus Boy also told TIPTOPSTARS Editor that he composed and arranged all the songs and it took him one month to complete the album. The Splendid Praise project did not however start today. “It dates back to 2002 and in 2007, I did the demo,” Jesus Boy explained. It is only in 2011 that the raw material was transferred to the Buea M1 Studio for recording. Produced by Creative Plus International, the album has the following beautifully crafted tracks: Why You De Cry, Splendid Praise, Army and My Mind is Made Up. It can be obtained if these numbers are dialed – 237 (77 88 03 04) or 237 (97 97 34 78). You can also procure your copy of Splendid Praise by emailing This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it |
Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 February 2012 18:02 |