Home INTERVIEWS "My plattform is to Encourage Education and Self Confidence in the Physically Challenged" ...
"My plattform is to Encourage Education and Self Confidence in the Physically Challenged" -Bodianga Bodi Nsang Dilong PDF Print E-mail
TTS / Friday, 23 September 2011 00:00

1missCameroon Beauty will Bodianga Bodi Nsang will be representing Cameroon at the Miss West Africa beauty contest organised for the first time in Cameroon by  PENJO ENTERTAINMENT. The 21 year-old  student of Information technology at the university of Buea  is fro the South West  Region - Meme Division( Kotto Barombi).  nsang whos hobby include among  others Singing, Acting, Reading Novels, watching movies and song writing is encouraged by her  family and love for humanity and forward thinking says

"My platform is to Encourage Education and Self Confidence in the Physically Challenged. I intend to work with NGO’s which work for the same cause to see how the disabled can be supported in their education and to encourage those who feel that because of their condition they cannot acquire education to go for education. Though this is my principal concern, I won’t stop there. I will look into some social problems like the orphans. Visit Orphanages and see how I can help to better the lives of the children. I would love to spend some time with them together."
TTS: What inspires you to keep going and how do you keep yourself Motivated to reach your Goals?

God and my love fro humanity. I believe it’s bad when you are having a comfortable life while your brother is in need and you refuse to help him. God gave me the opportunity to be a MWAC because HE knows I can be of help to others and in a way, I will contribute in making a better Africa, Cameroon for you and me

TTS:What do you think your “biggest break” or “greatest opportunity” has been so far in your life?

I will say MWAC, because I know from here am going higher.

TTS:Being MWAC at your age what do you think is the biggest challenge to young people today in Cameroon and Africa?


TTS:What is the one feature you would change about yourself and why?

BBND:Openness. I am too open and I think I will need to limit it. I am a kind of person who will always joke and create fun but I think I need to limit these. That is because there is a personality I need to build for the sake of MWAC. All of these while keeping my good friends and having the new good friends too.

TTS:Everyone loves celebrity -You are now a role model to other youths so what is your advice to the youths of today especially the Cameroonian youths who are aspiring to be like you?

BBND:To all youths, be a fighter and always be determined in all you do. I will share my success secret and that is God. I trust and love God with my whole being and that is why I succeeded because He trusts me. So in all you do, be determine, work hard for it and trust God for success.

AIDS, Malaria, cholera etc are plaguing Cameroon. What could you do as the title holder to help prevent the spread of STDs , AIDS and other health related Illnesese  among youths?

BBND:For AIDS , i will go for abstinence. That is what i believe and practice.For Cholera, the community needs more awareness on hyginne ans sanitation. So i will go for a sensitization campaign especially in romote areas. And also speak on ways through which water can be purified for those areas without pipe borne water. I believe strongly that Tabeson Miriam, who was one of the contestants during the competition will help me in this because it was her cause and I see it very necessary and important to collaborate with her. Together with her, Life and Water Development Group Cameroon and Thirst Relief International will be able to help us with teaching material and their experience in the field.

How do you intend to represent Cameroon across Africa and the world?

BBND:Cameroon has lots of potentials especially when it comes to tourism. We are not called African miniature for nothing. I have a good knowledge of the Cameroonian culture and tourism, and I will do all I can to show forth the positive image of Cameroon to the rest of the world

What would you say is the biggest problem facing our educational system today?  If any Why? 

BBND:The lack of proffessionalism in our universities. It is difficult for a university graduate to just get a job without going to acquire proffessional qualification. Because they have little or no pratical experience. That is why most people go for proffessional education and forget universities and it is not correct. Except those in the Accounting and Journalism fields.

Who would you consider to be your role model ?

BBND:My role Model is God. Its only in Him that i draw strenght, Inspiration, creativity as much as i want

Could you tell us about your best moments? What are your passions?

BBND:When am in Church if truth be spoken that is when i feel best. Being a Gospel of Christ Ministries Christian. Bieng in the presence of God and also in church are my best moments

Where would you like to see yourself in the next years?  What are your long term goals?

BBND:Being a journalist or TV host. I always want to be UN Goodwill ambassador and to win many more pageants. Miss World, Miss universe even Miss Galaxy ha-ha

What is the one thing that symbolizes happiness for you?

BBND:Being Christ conscious.

Do you have any one special you would like to thank for making your dreams come true?

BBND:First, Penjo Entertainment for taking the bold step to organize this in Cameroon and for the first time, Hote Seme Beach for trusting in this competition and sponsoring it, not only sponsoring but hosting over 30 people and providing 3 meal/day is just great, My Father God. my Gospel of Christ Family, My Family and my friends and my friends on face book for all their encouragement

If you had only 2 minutes to say something that could leave a great impact on the world today, What would that be?

BBND:The probability that you may not succeed should not deter you from doing what you know is right

If someone could live your life for a week, what would they find most interesting about your life?

BBND:I live a stress free life. I refuse the cares of life to weigh on me. When they try to, i say to myself am not a Son of God to live a life of stress

What do you want to experience in your lifetime?

BBND:The joy of making the life of another better


Am reading A PRICE OF STONES at the moment.. Music , I listen to  --- I MOSTLY GOSPEL .hillsong. Jesus culture

My talent makes me    More hard working  My friends call me ---   DI, Matter, My favourite TV show is    Tyra Show

My favourite Music/ Band is     Jesus Culture  My  slogan is     In every disability, there is an ability

My favourite holiday is [why]    Christmas. Hahaha just the festive atmosphere


Last Updated on Friday, 23 September 2011 22:30


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