Home INTERVIEWS INRG-"Inventing a New Revolutionary Genre" of music
INRG-"Inventing a New Revolutionary Genre" of music PDF Print E-mail
TTS / Thursday, 05 May 2011 23:35

provocative blend of Smooth Jazz, Classical, African, Reggae, Hip-Hop and R&B,  is that of the  Talented Musical Duo of the cameroonian Blaise Christian Sitchet "Le Grand Sitch" and the american Jordan Ottley "J-Ott" They cofounded The musical group INRG and  music production company. Fueled by thier creativity and desire to evoke change in the music industry, they told TIPTOPSTARS (TTS) "We are preparing our second album.Our objective is to bring back the good music based on pure inspiration, and take over the commercial music which is polluting good pure music because of the money game."

What is Behind the Name INRG? What inspired you to this Name?INRG means Inventing a New Revolutional Genre of Music.  We needed the name of our group to sound like Energy because our music is base on pure inspiration.  During the creation process, we can feel that energy.  It scares me.  Sometimes I get knocked out by that energy when it is intense in the studio and go to sleep.
A great Duo there!! When did you Guys first discover your creative talents? J-ott grew up in a house where a huge classic piano was standing in the middle of the living room, giving him the oportunity to learn and practice music on daily basis.  Me, Le Grand Sitch grew up very close to my mother who was a chorist. She was singing all the sime. I think that my proximity to her was a motivating factor to learn harmonies in music.Then we started creating our own music base of our own inspirations.
Does anyone in particular influence your artistic/musical Talent?Since our musical range is wide, it is difficult to give credit to anyone who influenced us because we listen to other music regardless the background and the style of the musician.
Being from different Musical Backgrounds how do you blend your style of Music?   At first it was not easy because our thinkings musically was different, our style and rythms were very opposite.  But we did see the potential of a merger and now we have a blended style that professional love.
What specific themes do they cover?We cover what happen in our daily life, the struggle, the moments of joyce, our dreams, and we talk about how we perceive about the society, the history of nations and how we love the music.
Who does most of the song writing/ literature?  Both of us.  I have a background of poet and he has a background of fluent rapper. How would you describe your music / art/ entertainment to our audience if they have never seen you before?  Rich, emotional and relaxing.
What do you think makes INRG and your type of music Unique from other artists?Because it is very difficult to classify out style of music.  It is just based on inspiration.  It is very rich because each culture in the world can feel part of that. Do you have your own favourite type of music and is it any different from what you play now? We like any kind of music as long as it it is well done and touching.  It doesn't matter if it is techno, bikutsi, rap, salsa.
Were you financially able to fund the start of your music Career?Yes, but we did need to save a lot of money.  After we finished the album and music videos, we did realize that the biggest challenge was the promotion, the exposure.
Is INRG a music Label?
We have our own record label: INRG Music Productions, our ouwn studio, Our agent is Tim Beal owner of entertainment at its best.
You’ve heard of the term “starving artists “before, how do you cope with major obstacles.
The promotion is the biggest obstacle. It involves a lot of ressources no matter the countries.  Our product is a worldwide product.  We want to reach out each corner of the world.  The media has been doing a good job promoting us.
What inspires you to keep going and how do you keep yourself Motivated?
The love of the music is enough to keep us motivated.  You, the media with your positive reaction and our fans. {xtypo_rounded2} From your Performances INRG is like musical group/band? If yes What has been wildest story with the group?When we were invited to perform at Voice of America Radio TV show, we were told that due to technical issues, we might not be filmed.  We did tell them that there was no option.  We did put a lot of pressure on them to fix the problem.  The stress was intense.  They finally did.
 What have been the biggest challenges for you or the group?The stress, the lack of sleep.  Because we are producers, composers, we own  and operate a professional studio, we manage our marketting team, we sing, rap and we create our own music, we organize our band, we direct our own music videos.That's a lot.
We see you Have been on Tour In Europe and Africa. Can you tell us more about it?  Great experience to share with people from different background around the world something that only two of us started in the basement. The reaction was phenomenal.
What should people expect to see at your live performances?}An enthousiastic croud, perfect chemistry and interaction between the croud and us.
How do you rate your live performance ability? Do you feel better performing live or in the studio?It is better live because it sounds real.  We want to interact with people.
How do you market your Music around the world? Where can people buy or listen to your music?They can go to www.inrgmusic.com, www.myspace.com/inrgmusic, www.reverbnation.com/inrgmusic
As artists, is there anything special you hope to be able to accomplish with your Music?Yes, Establish our label and develop other talents around the world because there a so many who need to be brought to the public
Where is  your largest fan base located ?I can say Cameroon.  It is based on youtube statistics and e-mails that we receive.  France and the USA also.
Art and Music has an impact on both young and old. Everyone loves celebrity, so what is your advice to the youths of today especially the Cameroonian youths and aspiring artists?My advice to cameroonians is to be patient when they know that they have a talent and to be humble and have a sens of dignity.  Also to work hard and rely on themselves first, not to have the feeling that people who have been successful owe them anything and therefore should be obligated to help them. If they don't follow this advice, they are setting themselves to a catastrophic failure. The passion, humility, dignity and hard work can overcome a lot of obstacles.
If you had to think of a slogan that could leave a positive impact for everyone what would your slogan be?Think about what you can offer to people before thinking about what you can get from them.  That is the secret to keep your dignity going regardless your wealth or poverty.
Do you have other interests or talents you would like to share with us? How do you like to enjoy your relaxation time away from Music? We record a lot of artists from different backgrounds.
Where would you like to see INRG within the next years?Well known around the world, to have a solide fan base worldwide.
What have been so far your best moments with INRG?When we were invited as celebrity guest stars at the World Music and Independent Music Festival in Washington DC.  We met a lot of great people.
What are your greatest fears /weaknesses at INRG?Our greates fear is to fail, to give up after putting so much effort to realize our dream.  I think that we are not going to give up. You know what? There is no room for failure
Do you have any one special you would like to thank for making your dreams come true as an artist?I can say my father.During  his life he did teach me how to do things my way as long as I was happy with that. 
From your Performances INRG is like musical group/band? If yes What has been wildest story with the group?When we were invited to perform at Voice of America Radio TV show, we were told that due to technical issues, we might not be filmed.  We did tell them that there was no option.  We did put a lot of pressure on them to fix the problem.  The stress was intense.  They finally did.
What have been the biggest challenges for you or the group?The stress, the lack of sleep.  Because we are producers, composers, we own  and operate a professional studio, we manage our marketting team, we sing, rap and we create our own music, we organize our band, we direct our own music videos.

{/xtypo_rounded2}{xtypo_rounded2}From your Performances INRG is like musical group/band? If yes What has been wildest story with the group?

When we were invited to perform at Voice of America Radio TV show, we were told that due to technical issues, we might not be filmed.  We did tell them that there was no option.  We did put a lot of pressure on them to fix the problem.  The stress was intense.  They finally did.



What have been the biggest challenges for you or the group?

The stress, the lack of sleep.  Because we are producers, composers, we own  and operate a professional studio, we manage our marketting team, we sing, rap and we create our own music, we organize our band, we direct our own music videos.

Last Updated on Thursday, 12 May 2011 22:32


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