Serving more than two masters is a leeway to failure. That’s one of life’s basic truths. What about someone who serves three at a blow? What becomes of such a daring person is what potential viewers of Votary will discover when the 90-minute movie hits the market in the next couple of weeks to make Cameroonian film industry a production richer. Votary is a Cameroonian film currently undergoing post-production in the country’s capital city, Yaounde.
According to the story, Votary recounts the ordeal of a young lad who is unable to cater for his family despite the fact that he swims in wealth. This attitude stems from his unfortunately involvement in occultist practices, yet our protagonist is an active Christian with the position of a deacon in his church. He also prides with a position of a titled chief in his village. His subsequent death breaks loose the basket of calamities. Who buries him – the brotherhood, the Church or his chiefdom? The fight is what constitutes the story embedded in the must-watch Cameroonian movie which promises to hold audience spellbound.

In a chat with the movies’ director, Billy Bob Ndive Lifongo, Votary will be premiered in Buea. “We are very meticulous as we build the package because we intend to satisfy our guests at the premiere in Buea come November,” the film maker told TIPTOPSTARS Editor.

Written by Achale Constance Ndive Lifongo, Votary is shot on locations in Buea and Limbe in the South West region of Cameroon. It is produced by Billy Bob Ndive Lifongo with Nche Francis, CEO of MagicTouch Digital Videos, the renowned film distribution outfit as Executive Producer. Featuring in the Bilif Entertainment Pictures Production movie are Solange Yijika, Jeff Epule, Lynno Lovert, Eyong Terence, Nchifor Valery, Otia Vitalis, Von Yen Bi, Adel Dikana, Nche Francis.

Meanwhile Votary’s director, Billy Bob enjoys a wealth of experience in film directing. He has also directed several other films including Public Toilet, Ancesthral Wrath, Crazy Enterprise, Enigma and Societal Issues, etc.
