Home Entertainment MOVIES Yimbu breaks grounds in marketing of a Cameroonian Film
Yimbu breaks grounds in marketing of a Cameroonian Film
Chiatoh Collins Songbi / Monday, 06 July 2009 15:32

SDC10320What is a market, and how do you market? There is certainly no magic to it, once you began by looking around you first. To keep the flame burning in my understanding might simply entail keeping even a bush lamp lit. But, Yimbu Emmanuel started off with a torch light, in his long sought approach to contribute in the marketing of Cameroonian films. All publicity aside, I only like facing the music here.

Among the several constraints faced by film stakeholders in Cameroon notably quality development, financing, professionalization and specialization, marketing stands out distinctly. Even if we have the best works realized, as long as we cannot market them, poverty of some sort will always remain our portion. God forbid!! Jesus!! Mary!!

Reflections on more innovative marketing strategies have been a major preoccupation for all Cameroonian film makers and artists as a whole. Yes, there are ideas and there are ideas. But ideas and opportunities that stay or remain in the cupboards are as good as a waste of time and other resources. Yimbu Emmanuel last weekend Saturday 13 June 2009 matched words with action, when he introduced learning in ENS Yaounde, using home-made films, our films. In this venture that saw each student taking home a copy of Another Chance, many of the students confessed they were wowed with the fact that films are truly made in Cameroon and they can obtain copies for their friends and families as well. You want to know how many copies were sold on this occasion?  Not yet. What matters here is we witnessed a simple strategy, a lobby work, which can, and will hopefully benefit the entire Cameroon Film Industry in a simple, interesting and realistic manner. For all of us it is a matter of putting on our thinking caps on our target audience or destination while we embark on quality film production.

Before signing off, guess its important to word it in French; a Collywood, c ; est la qualité d'abord, puis faut savoir sibler dans ces choses, puis qu!il faut vendre a tout prix !!!! Bravo Yimbu and please keep the bush flame burning.


Editor's Note:

Collins is an actor and producer whose contribution to the film industry in Cameroon has been enormous. Like others, Yimbu's initiative caught his attention. It was but normal he reacted.


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