Home Entertainment STAR CORNER Yaounde Actress Stages Spectacular Come-Back
Yaounde Actress Stages Spectacular Come-Back
Ernest Kanjo / Thursday, 19 March 2009 18:26

solange2Solange Yijika is arguably the most talented actress in Cameroon, west of the Mungo, at least for now. It suffices to watch her on set once and you are concluding on having her star in your production.

But for some time now, Yijika's fans, many of whom she captured after her brilliant performance in Premier Films' Trials of Passion have been worried by the actress' near disappearance. "She's been missing in action to my utter dismay," said a Yaounde Yijika fan. "She's one of the most thrilling actresses' I've known in Cameroon, so I would normally be disturbed when I don't watch her as often as I would have expected," she explained further. The same worries have been expressed by film directors, many of whom have been keen on her performance. 


However, Yijika has announced her come-back. Talking to this reporter in Yaounde recently, the star in Mark of the Absolute, a 2008 Asaba Ferdinand film said she was unavoidably absent from set. "Job imperatives held me back, but I think I'm done with the things I was handling and now ready to return to set," she explained. But do you know you fans missed you quite much. Yijika: "That I know so well...hahahahahaha, I've also missed them." "I'm however back to part with them no more," she went on. The once missing actress promised to stay on and will be seen more often in movies.

Yijika hit the movie road in 2004. In 2005 she set for the Trials of Passion adventure which turned out to be a spectacular debut. The said adventure is definitely what fetched the actress such impressive feedback from the audience. Two years later, Yijika got on the Mark of the Absolute set, putting up a beautiful show once again. Just like in the previous project, Maria Goretti caught the attention of fans of the movie with her ever telegenic moods. She is set for some up-coming movies. Watch out!


Last Updated on Friday, 24 April 2009 11:56
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