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Cameroonians to gratify Beriwo PDF Print E-mail
Ernest Kanjo / Thursday, 07 October 2010 16:02

beriwoBushfalling, incestuous rape, irresponsibility, HIV and AIDS characterize Beriwo, an up-coming Cameroonian movie shot on locations in Kumbo, North West Region. When it is finally released, critics and lay consumers would surely find interest in trying to understand how effectively the story's author, Peter Njodzeka exploited these themes in a purely cinematic fashion. This is because the tale in Beriwo - rape is what every mother would love to hate to hear. And if Uncle B, seemingly the character around whom the story evolves is going to be the undesirable element, the father of Beri, the protagonist will surely be vomited as well, for being a promiscuous HIV vector.

That rape and subsequently HIV and AIDS should be an impediment to abroad study ambitions is a good lesson Penjo is serving. But as the taste of the pudding lies in the eating, viewers would lose no thing in watching what is definitely going to be one of Cameroon's best selling stories in recent years.

"Beriwo is a story that I've always wanted to shoot, but the lack of appropriate equipment delayed the project," Penjo told Tiptopstars. "I'm glad it finally happened," he went on. Though the cast is virtually new, the young artists put up a surprisingly great performance. "This makes me believe that giving everyone a chance is absolutely necessary and it is by so doing that we discover new talents in the industry," Penjo explained.

Featuring in Beriwo are Bershu Mabel, Becky Mancho, Nwatum John, Kotti Aloysius, Carlton Brite, Sende Bende, Kwayela Finley, Norissa Carltons. The movie, a Penjo Entertainment Production piece will be launched in the coming weeks and will circulate in Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa and other countries.

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