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Christian Hypocrisy to change Chritians PDF Print E-mail
Ernest Kanjo / Tuesday, 13 April 2010 21:33

film-stripAn entirely Cameroonian laugh and learn serial in the making! Its title is Christian Hypocrisy. It is an Our Home Production Inc. / Assah Elvis production. Directed by Asaah Elvis, the serial will run for seven seasons on Yaounde-based Chritian channel, Jesus TV. "We are really thankful to Jesus TV for accepting to screen our serial," says Marc Woaw, Our Home Pro Artistic director.

Christian Hyporcrisy as the title implies decries the unpious nature of so-called God-fearing people, always caught doing secular things. "We are just concerned about the prolifiration of Christian Churches, situation that ironically nutures more hypocrites that true follwers of Christ," Marc Woaw goes on. "We hope the serial will not only teach Christians, but will help change their attitudes."

The serial, shot in February and March on Yaounde locations will be released and launched in June. Cuts of the serial will be projected at the next edition of Models' Nite in Yaounde in the coming days

Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 09:02
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