Home Movies NOLLYWOOD MOVIES Missy BK goes philanthropic, creates foundation
Missy BK goes philanthropic, creates foundation
Ernest Kanjo / Saturday, 20 December 2014 07:08


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She might not have emerged from a so-well-to-do background, yet Cameroonian Afro-pop singer Missy BK never lacked to a beggarly extent. However, she learned that sharing with those who hadn’t that much was honourable. She even grew up, understanding the joy and pleasure that resided in putting a soothing smile on someone’s face and pleasant hope in their life. Such ethics were handed down to her by the singer’s mum and giving became one of her most desired projects.

Perhaps, the fact that the Canada-based young artist has been blessed with a currently successful singing career with proceeds she can at least share with the less privileged is the immediate motivation that explains the creation of the Missy BK Foundation which will officially be launched in Cameroon this Sunday through an activity that which such an outfit is commonly known to perform – giving!

The said activity, communioning with close to 40 orphans in the South West regional headquarters of Buea in Cameroon, Central Africa this Sunday, December 21, is what Missy now talks more about, than even her music which has fast become the artist’s hallmark. “I just feel it is our social responsibility to give hope to these children who might not have been as fortunate as we are,” the singer told Afrikka Radio’s African Cocktail recently.

The Christmas party the singer is organizing this Sundays falls in line with activities the Missy BK Foundation will be putting forth in its social mission to provide a comforting and better life to the less privilege in her country Cameroon. According to her, education will be the foundation’s primary focus. “It’s true children have various skills they could explore, but education is very important. With a good education foundation, every other thing is easy to achieve,” Missy told us. That explains why prior to launching the Missy BK Foundation, the artist had been and is still sponsoring five students in secondary school back in her home country. “It gives me a lot of joy in my heart doing it,” Missy confessed.

The Missy BK Foundation, according to its founder will partner with community leaders, orphanages and educator in Cameroon in its mission to identify girls and boys who are financially challenged, yet gifted and eager to learn. Such children will be provided with the basic means to attain their life’s goals “However, the foundation and its partners cannot achieve this without the support of the entire country,” Missy told the radio show. “We are therefore calling on people of goodwill to support this effort. Donations of clothes, didactic school material would be gratefully accepted.” “Sponsoring a child would even be a great support.”


In a maiden public outreach activity to officially launch it, the Missy BK Foundation is organizing a Christmas party in honour of some 38 orphans of the Hephzibah Handicapped and Orphanage Training Production and Ecstasy Center (HOTPEC) in Lower Bokova Buea, South West region of Cameroon on Sunday, December 12, 2014. During the charity event which kicks off at 1pm, each child will receive a tangible Christmas gift from the foundation and well-wishers. The event will be graced by Afro-jazz artists Damien Blue who is expected to thrill the children with his deep acoustic melodies and soft voice. Damien is also expected to awaken senses with his soul-searching African tales. The general public is invited.

For more information contact:

Last Updated on Saturday, 20 December 2014 07:57
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