48 HOURS TRAILER OFFICIALLY RELEASED - PRODUCER SPEAKS TO TIPTOPSTARS “Out-of-the-box thinking is my hallmark in movie production” -Desarray Ay, producer of upcoming 48 Hours
Ernest Kanjo / Saturday, 11 October 2014 09:59

48h tiptopstars 5Desarray Ay is one movie faithful who lives with the constant dream of giving the sector a completely different look. To her, pricking the minds of the audience at all times is a genuine course that must be undertaken to its logical end. If that end means providing an amazing satisfaction to movie lovers which will cause them get so intimate with cinematographic works, then, she is set to engage. If it means having people clued to the kind of films she envisages, the Maryland-based actress cum producer would go the extra mile. 48 Hours, her upcoming maiden (as a producer) is a true representation of this assertion. It is different in that the movie pulls your attention from start to finish. The story is a brilliant manifestation of dramatic suspense which is deliberated woven to make cinematographic sense to its potential audience. The impeccable images as seen in the movie’s trailer released this Friday is a clear indication that the filmmakers are poised to give 48 Hours the grandeur the production deserves. The cast, which is a cream of some of Africa’s (including Desarray, Haitian/South African) finest actors in the diaspora translates the producer’s serious intension to make her debut movie a masterpiece. Deploying an experienced crew, manned by director Kem-Bumbala, to do the job, is Desarray’s way of proving that filmmaking can be given a new coloration. Perhaps, the story in 48 Hours is what is going to keep viewers clued to their TV set and as the author remarked to TIPTOPSTARS, it is not a movie that can only be watched once. “Viewers will be caught watching it over and over,” Desarray said. Characterized by confrontations, secrecy, dishonesty, betrayal, etc, the story in 48 Hours will trigger movie emotions common among fans of Desarray’s genre. Conjointly produced by Prime International Productions and Desarray Ay’s Thirteen/88 Media, the 95-mimute-long 48 Hours is shot on locations in Maryland-USA, starring amongst others Desarray Ay, Jason Nkwain (also poet), Claudio Oben award-winning Cameroonian producer), Best Davis (award-winning Nollywood actor), Winstina Taylor (award-winning Sierra Leonean actress), Paula Obaseki, Fatty Keita, Jacob Cass, Hisham Yahyaou, Guillaume Saki Dedi, Ivan Orekhovshy, Agnes Atem, Ledwin Ekinde, introducing Loic Soumani. Ahead of the movie’s premiere, billed for January 10, 2015 in Washington DC, producer Desarray Ay who will also be main guest on Afrikka Radio’s African Cocktail spoke with TIPTOPSTARS editor. Excerpts of the interview with Ernest Kanjo!

Ernest Kanjo (EK): Is 48 Hours your first movie as a producer?
Desarray Ay (DA): Yes, 48 Hours is my first film as a producer.

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EK: Who is the author of the story?
DA: I wrote the story and screenplay for 48 Hours.

EK: When was the script written and what inspired 48 Hours?
DA: The script was actually written earlier this year, precisely in March while I was in the middle of filming another movie. I came home one night and told my husband that I think it's time I took my career to the next level. I had this incredible story that I wanted to write, produce and creatively direct. To be honest I had fallen in a rut of doing the same movies over and over, playing characters that were all alike. I was getting restless. I was yearning for a challenge, something out-of-the-box and I told myself that I was going to stop complaining and just start creating the stories and scripts. Without any question, my husband gave me a kiss on the forehead, grabbed our mac book and placed it on the dining table and told me to go for it. Initially conceived as Twelve –and-the-half Hours, 48 Hours was written.

EK: When and for how long was 48 Hours shot?
DA: After partnering up with the incredible Prime International Productions team, we wasted no time - rehearsals, then filming began in May of this year and went on for about three weeks. 

EK: Tell us about the movie’s director?
DA: The director of 48 Hours, Kem Bumbara, is a ferociously talented and determined young Cameroonian with the most impeccable camera angle eye. His works are so appealing and that was the main reason I entrusting my project my project in him.

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EK: Tell us about the character you are playing and your experience doing this role
DA: I’m playing Giselle Whyte.  She is the ideal, beautiful and career-driven woman who is a new partner within a prominent real estate firm and married to one of Washington DC's most successful Gynecologist, Dr. Sebastian Whyte, Jason Nkwain, playing the character. Life is seemingly hitch-free until she finds out she is now with child. Before she knows, Giselle is kidnapped, then everything turns sour.  I enjoyed doing this character. It required a lot of fighting choreography and was quite challenging.  I put in so much in bringing this character to life.

EK: What makes 48 Hours different from other movies
DA: This is a highly risk-bearing movie, thought out of the box with a fairly new film director. It is very imaginative and would create something people will find special and captivating. This isn't your simple kidnapping film with your predictable action - it’s a love story full of suspense.

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EK: What did it entail, financially, materially, human resource wise, to complete this project?
DA: I don’t think people will believe me when I tell them that we shot this film on a fairly small budget and had a production team of just seven people. You’d go with the impression that it is a high budget movie when you see our glamorous locations. My team was just too creative enough to fetch us the best for so little spent.

EK: Why is it a must-watch?
DA: 48 Hours, is a groundbreaking, mind-twisting and simply phenomenal film! It sets a new standard for out-of-the-box filmmaking. It delivers carefully crafted action and adventure thrills in every way imaginable. My potential audience will be held spellbound by the movie’s blockbuster-style thriller sequences and in-depth philosophical undertones.

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EK: Where will it circulate?
DA: We’re hoping to have it circulate all over the US and parts of Africa and Haiti.

EK: Any plans for festivals?
DA: Currently, we are taking part in the Tribeca Film Festival, Pan-African Film Festival as well as Caribbean Movie Festival.

EK: In what forms will the movie be produced – Cds, cassettes, etc?
DA: At the moment, we are looking at producing the film for DVD and eventually having it on Vemo On Demand - where for a fee, fans can simply login and watch online.

EK: Desarray thanks a million for talking to us. Let’s take a rendezvous on radio soon
DA: Thanks very much Ernest, it’s my utmost pleasure. I’ll be with you on radio come October the 22nd.

Last Updated on Saturday, 11 October 2014 10:28
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