Home Movies NOLLYWOOD MOVIES Post-graduation upheavals: The movie “3” paints own picture
Post-graduation upheavals: The movie “3” paints own picture
Ernest Kanjo / Sunday, 13 January 2013 02:42

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Just like 2012, this year promises to be eventful, movie-speaking. Already, there are film activities lined out both in Cameroon and abroad. One of such events, fixed for the first quarter of 2013 is the official outing of “3”, a much-awaited Cameroonian movie in the making. Just like the title sounds, “3” will enjoy three big premieres – one in Victoria (Limbe) where the movie was shot way back in October 2012, another in one of South Africa’s rich tourist destinations, Cape Town and the last in Germany.

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According to producers, the movie “3” will be one of those well-packaged and beautifully crafted productions that seek to catapult the Cameroonian film industry quality wise. “That’s why we’ve been quite meticulous in handling both the artistic and technical aspects of the movie,” one of them told TIPTOPSTARS’ editor.

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Perhaps what makes the story salient is that “3” addresses a contemporary issue – unemployment after graduation, a problem which doesn’t seem to present headway, at least for now. And if Sasha (Ngannou Marvis), Cairo (Kang Quintus) and Derrick (Atia Valery) were once a happy and united family, after graduation-related difficulties were enough to set them ablaze. Also, “3” is an emotion-packed production, full of suspense.

IMG 1945 Written and produced by Atia Valery, the 78-minutes long movie is directed by Enah Johnscott and edited by Teh Reagan. Stanley Miki, the D.O.P is said to have done a great job, just like the cinematographer, Penjo. If Bechem Melvis (continuity artist) made sure scenes were strictly followed, Bulu Mac Morgan (sound/lighting technician) gave “3” the perfect sound and light quality the movie deserved. Then Desmond Wyte, Atia Valery, Ngannou Marvis, and Kangmone Bridget joined award-winning Epule Jeffery and Kang Quintus and Nchifor Valery in providing the required artistic performance on set. “These actors were wonderful and I must applaud the job they did,” a “3” crew member told us. The movie were made more handsome and beautiful by Samson Tarh (make-up artist), while Gwan-nulla Sigalla, production manager made the “3” movie project a successful piece of job. TIPTOPSTARS shall come back to this story as events unfold.

Last Updated on Monday, 14 January 2013 07:35
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