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... and "Eyes On You" featuring Camidoh from Ghana. His collaborations span continents, with notable tracks like "Kuku Kuku" by Kenya's Willy Paul and "Need Some Wine" by Grammy-nominated Liberian-American ...
... needs and aspirations, is not any exaggeration. In fact, there is more consciousness, even if they still have scores of issues to deal with. And talking about challenges that continues to hover around ...
3. Sun rays
Sun rays In the toughest of day Your touch is all I need Basking in your presence Is food for my melanin © Sharon Dione N  ...
... youths need to have, to be able to face tomorrow’s potentially challenging world. Quan Angelic Abazie comes from this background, where preparing today’s youth, is the surest route to a successful ...
5. Poetry: Blank sheet
Blank sheet I am a clueless bird With no direction I've only the wind to take me To where I need to be I am space Empty, cold, warm, filled I've you To determine what I'll be I'm a blank sheet of paper ...
6. Poetry : Let me
... and need By being that which you desire I find purpose (C) Sharon Dione  ...
... presents this new issue of the now leading women’s magazine. From Essen in Germany, Quincy and Davies take us on a ride across the world of marriage and attempt an answer to whether a couple needs a ...
It is generally considered to be a basic human need for physical survival, but food goes beyond that. It is an important cultural asset to every people across the world. The interesting thin about food ...
9. Poetry: Pray for me
Pray for me Drawn to evil I feel my shield going down My days have become dark and evil Not that I'm prone But I'll need more than my innocence to save me I'll need your prayer Pray for me not to fall, ...
10. Poetry: Within
... I'm next to you Yet, it seems we are realms apart Apart in every sense How can we be so parallel but need each other I need you to co-exist To breath I need you And to be you, you need me (C) Sharon Dione ...
11. The grace in Gracee
... believes that we absolutely need to move on than despairing over predicaments. “Falls happen because we can rise after they do - so don’t even waste a moment – rise and move on,” said the host ...
... release. "We are happy to partner with Naja TV with which we share a lot of entrepreneural ideas," she went on. According to the founder of the magazine of great repute, there is a lot that needs to be ...
... â€œAnd you won’t believe that I was a little nervous prior to going on set – that was my first experience,” the actor told us. “The director needed an elder brother for the character Annie, played ...
... put her first two songs on a hold, but at one point, we needed to work on something for her. I called Blaise B. and other artists whose names I would not disclose now, and they were all positive about ...
... Cameroon, London and Washington DC. EK: Select two or three from the lot and briefly explain what each of them stand for... SA: Distant butterfly is unique to the collection but I needed to add the ...
... You needed to have been there to experience this amazing stunts – hahaha! EK: How would you rate your performance in this production as compared to the others?  MD: Ernest, it’s not for ...
... social media, Adela visibly felt satisfied to have spent her birthday offering love, care and comfort to people who needed it. To the actress, there is nothing as salient as life which is the uncontestable ...
... we need to make NAGCAM an enviable professional organization,” said Moh. NAGCAM-USA was created on the heels of the 2013 reorganization of the Cameroon Film Industry (CFI) that gave room for the institutionalization ...
... USA supposed to do then, we put it to Kesha. “First, USA had to inform the national office in Cameroon, then send us the list of candidates for scrutiny. We need to know who qualifies to run for what position ...
... must be put in order to enable NAGCAM-USA achieve its goals. “But for these goals to be attained, we will need a united guild and this can only thrive on an inclusion approach. Consequently, we would open ...
... go to school have been unable to meet their basic needs. This has most often resulted to irregular attendance (absenteeism) and suspension from school because they cannot pay or complete payment of school ...
... limited knowledge of accessing the information they need to get ahead in life or to build a small business. How long they take to adjust to this new space and fit the elusive pieces of the “success” ...
... Shiri Achu is doing them a lot of good by deciding to visit Australia. “And, it’s happening at the right time when we badly needed to get another feel of what we experienced during our two previous trips ...
...  Apart from catering for the needs of orphans and street children, Sundrop Initiative also takes and follows up cases of child abuse, child labour, domestic violence, rape, basic human rights violation, ...
... any other observer of the Cameroonian movie landscape would have opined. "He's everything a producer would need from an actor," said the Limbe actress who is playing Inspector Patience in Bad Angel. She ...
... rely on for her movie entertainment needs. Just seven episodes  the TV series that is current being projected on CRTV, Kelly now stands tall as the new sensation. Before this write-up, we assigned ...
... situated, residents are announcing that WardRobe is meeting their fashion needs to satisfactory proportions since its coming to the city. “My knack for stylish outfit has increased ten folds since WardRobe ...
...  EP: Mostly the production, but sometimes, I do provide my costumes if the need arises. EK: What if what the production wants you to put on what does not suit your taste, do you opt to go by what you ...
... said the foundation was committed to the needs of children in Cameroon especially orphans, reason why he and his team were spending the evening with the kids at La Fondation Marie France . He assured the ...
... We recognized the enormous task and skill Russian Roulette needs to take off and the crew comprises some of the best technically savvy filmmakers we could find in the industry. Scouting and gathering ...
... of the country’s music, proposed that we needed to turn to a new page. His “On tourne le page” philosophy in one of his tracks is a direct link with the singer’s brilliant consistency and his later option ...
32. Germany: Immigrant kids trace future
... that could lead to a more comfortable educational and career situation of their children. These children needed more empowerment even if it meant just at the level of making reasonable choices. And so ...
... and commitment did not correspond to such a sorry state. Things badly needed to be fixed and I couldn’t just wait to see that happen. That motivated me to table my candidature. I came in to instil a spirit ...
... participants at the NAGCAM-USA meeting decided that the group will create an emergency fund to henceforth provide much-needed support when an industry colleague becomes challenged by health issues or gets ...
... from home. “All we needed was presenters with charm, whose charisma could fetch the show a wide audience,” Otieno explained. Such qualities, the TV reality show expert told us included amongst other things ...
... it doesn’t take the government much to provide filmmakers’ needs but in a context where they are not properly organized, it becomes a little difficult to forge ahead. Consequently, head of various guilds ...
... Show.” Crystal however threw back a challenge at potential viewers of the show. “We expect viewers of Chillen TV to give feedback to the station as regards the show – we will need their comments and suggestions ...
... My mom reminded me that I had always wanted to help abandoned children and orphans and so this was the time for me to show them that love. She reminded me that I didn’t need to have millions to help someone, ...
... and desired ingredients needed for the sector be competitive. From initial observations, satisfaction seems to be the general order that characterizes the current atmosphere and actors are individually ...
... he was motivated to run for the presidency because he has come to terms with the fact that Actors’ Guild of Cameroon – USA is an elitist group, with people who need to be considered as such. In such a ...
... at portraying the strength love can exerts on humanity, especially at a time the world is going through avoidable crisis, some of which are a result of the lack of this much-needed value. Produced by ...
... etc, caused by the insurgency. Perhaps, the sequence with the marching civilian rappers, dressed in the Je Suis Kolofata-inscribed T-shirts and face caps has told the whole story – the bigger world needs ...
... concerned and disturbed about the unjustifiable hate that is displayed amongst people,” Dadson explained in an interview with TIPTOPSTARS. “We need to love each other, show respect, work together for the ...
... online radio stations was therefore obvious. “Finally, I’m able to listen to Batimu FM, thank you for this great initiative bro”, “I don’t need to congratulate you on what you know how to do best, I ...
A society where women boldly think that self-reliance and entrepreneurship are a concrete answer to unemployment and a leeway towards a much-needed socio-economic development is a society that is ready ...
... the fact that CFI has never had an officially adopted constitutional since the organization was created in June 2008. The pressing need for a constitutional amendment and an official adoption comes at ...
... public explained. In the said video, now described as one of the strongest anti-ebola campaign messages, the artists, portraying sad and desperate looks plead that there is need for experience medical ...
... him (Akim) and strengthen themselves to re-emerge if need be. In a contrary observation and on the same show, USA-based Cameroonian actor/writer/producer Ken Shally Monette stated that he is in full ...
...  EK: What did it entail completing this project? HN: It took us a lot of time, money and energy. Mostly money! I didn’t want to do a bad job, and we all know if we want the best, we need to pay highly ...
... Seeking God’s hand in these hold-ups is undoubtedly what Evelyn Bright is opting for, in her latest gospel single, Daddy, Africa Needs You. “Truly, we need God and do so urgently because we are being ...
I was there when she Made it, MISS NW. It was indeed explendid. My eyes saw what my heart expected. She is exceptionally appealing. God willing she makes it in the finals. Keep on Girl. We need people ...
52. Meet Miss Collywood
Its a pretty field but demand alot of self decipline. you need to be focused and avoid the sex behind screens. other models have moved to the top my that and regreatably, never enjoy their later day. ...
Great Move!!!! I hope to be part of this move some day soon! You know, the Cameroonian movie industry needs such a push for its hidden parts to come up, and for better-looking projects to feature. I am ...
creativity is the art of trying and never giving up. hopes will certainly die down when we dont take the chance to try to materialise our dreams and thus it will be needless talking about dreams or even ...
55. Buea in the frame
... it more relevant to have foreign marketers when they themselves have not sort out what they need as in creating the marketer's guild. Producer's are the key of the industry if only they have created marketing ...
i believe so much in us and think we need to push harder and we would make it ...
je suis avec sbuda. nice to see u grown so big and doing it like always. your tattoos are nice and you look very sexy too. you have to come to Cameroon, we need you for our english rap.sorry about your ...
I think that this initiative of Ernest Kanjo is one of the key Thigs needed most for the uptimum growth of the Film Industry in Cameroon. ...
You are a brave courageous young lady. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Cameroon need to encourage and promote kids like you. However, the sky will be your limit , you go baby girl , YOUNGEST PRODUCER EVER... ...
... Lmao..that's a piety. I need y'all to seriously investigate on that woman before she gets y'all in her trap. Like seriously? Maybelle you don try hard this time sha!! Good luck. ...
etoo does not need to be advertised in this page or in the nomination therefore he should be on live time achievemnt. so please take him out and put somebody else.thank you but good job and we all behind ...
i do Rnb am new but u need to listen to. i do Cameroonian English movie too. ...
... only needs to put in effort ...
Commy is a great example for every woman and youths as a whole to follow. She is amazing because she does what is need at the most appropriate time. That's what makes her stand out. Kanjo, great work with ...
... Producer; that means the organizers have to sit up. I am afraid they need to have a rethink.All the same thanks for their courage to think of CEA. ...
... was nominated for best director. Movie category need to be broader in next CEA. ...
proud of you sis,i pray the almighty God continue to use you minister ur messages of praises into our soul.we seriouly need spiritual people like you to run this generation... ...
wounderful critic that you are , we are all saying what you think, dont sound too personal now, as if YOU WERE EXPECTING AN AWARD YOURSELF !!! i am not into show bizzz, but i support those in need, by ...
I strongly feel that we Cameroonians are hypocrites, Kleptocrates and we need to stop this and unite. imagine foreigners who read this this comments what will they think about us? I generally agree with ...
... Ndi" or is it your lousy and stupid movie "American Marriage",which has no sense and humor. please spare me that. If CEA has to succeed in the future,then villagers like you need to get of the way. I wander ...
... there are frustrated with your trailers, posters and career. All those in the CEA need career Orientation or come back home and join us fight. Movies we have never seen one in Cameroon but u call it Cameroon ...
... with anything that is given to us. CEA needs to be done in cameroon for cameroonians not alliens who know no suffer in entertainments and has been cats away from the coast of or beloved country, take this ...
Is really funny when say a thing like that. U are the one who needs from evil idea about CEA. All u do is talk, do something like CEA let us see. My friend go clean your shit stop all this ur bad bell ...
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  • Well, I think the CEA was a very shallow and misgu... More...
  • This is creativity we are talking about, this are ... More...
  • Lovelyn,your pre-selection criterias are ok but i'... More...
  • camhood 4 the better More...
  • fame is gd More...
  • cool girls dat was great but this year we the cons... More...