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Dallas painted red in Kiss of Death premiere
News / Latest / BY Lylies Asakwa (Dallas, Texas) & Ernest Kanjo (Columbus, Ohio)
Sunday, 25 September 2016 14:36

KISS of death premiere edith pikwa

Blessed are those who were there, for they witnessed the wonders of the world’s noblest art – the seventh art, in one of its facets called premiere. The guest to the Kiss of Death (KOD) movie premiere in Dallas who described the event as such was on point, when he did so, soon after the curtains dropped. A combination of colour and sound, on the electron screen and on humans provided the glamour that characterized the official release of KOD, Saturday September 24, 2016.

It’s well planned and executed,” actor, Mat Atugon, also starring in Kiss of Death told the Apex 1 Radio (www.apex1radio.com) during show that was devoted to the live coverage of the event.

The Maryland-based Cameroonian actor and a host of VIP guests had been ferried to the Irving Texas event venue by a Limousine purposely set aside to honour their participation in the project and presence at its premiere. “It’s such an honour and I feel really privileged to have been part of the project,” Atugon told the radio broadcast. “In fact, this is the best I have done this far,” he went on.

Speaking on the live broadcast as well, Sir Ryan, Cameroonian comedian confessed his total fall for KOD, soon after he got exposed to the movie’s trailer. “That caught me rushing to Dallas to welcome the movie, I couldn’t wait,” he told Apex 1 Radio. “The executive producer of Kiss of Death whom I have known for about two years now is a hilarious person and that is a replica of KODI feel very excited to be in Dallas today to welcome this movie,” Ryan added.

To the executive producer of Kiss of Death, the premiere was a hilarious fulfillment of a great mission that has brought glory to her and her team. “I’m totally satisfied with the organization of the event and must commend the love of everyone who contributed to its success,” Edith Pikwa told reporters.

Meantime, the KOD actor who flew in from Maryland recalled the great moments spent on the set of the movie and commended the acting prowess of entire cast. “We hope to be back on an Edith Pikwa set to perform even better,” Mat Atugon told us.

Shot on locations in Chomba near Bamenda in the North West region of Cameroon, Kiss of Death condemns early and forced marriages that victimizes the girl child and deprives her of ample education. It is produced by Ala Leonard with Edith Pikwa as executive producer and directed by Musing Derick. Also starring in the movie are Laura Onyama (Cameroon’s current most valuable actress), Libota McDonald, Vugah Samson, Eyo Eyo Michael, Line Ikechuju, Nkwah Kinsley, Akenji Shelly, Jessie Nemeh, Kuayena Geobrax, etc.

The movie has had seven nominations and won three awards.

KISS of death premiere


Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 September 2016 14:25
Myra Maimoh’s uniqueness in Uniq
News / Latest / Ernest Kanjo
Friday, 16 September 2016 15:14

PanoramarfEvery element in music considered, Myra Maimoh’s Uniq is unique! It would take just a brief stay in the music market for products to get faded nowadays, for the mere fact that their flow is regular. But Uniq’s tendency is undoubtedly the one that sticks on much longer. Reason: the six-track album is so sumptuously packaged to hold the attention of its consumer firmly.

Since it was released, I have had to catch myself listening to songs on Uniq endlessly,Sylvia, a Cameroonian music lover based in Columbus Ohio, USA confessed to TIPTOPSTARS.Myra Maimoh is a great singer, a good vocalist plus her songs are so melodiously beautiful,” she told us further.

To Andin, yet another Cameroonian who resides in the city of Columbus, the messages embedded in afro soul artist’s songs are unbeatably great. “When I listen to Beau Parleur, it confirms what I usually tell my friends about appearance and reality, in fact that track speaks to me and I love it,” she explained. Andin went on: I No Go Tire encourages me to work hard in my school work and I have inculcated the habit of listening to it before I go to school or work,” she revealed.

Speaking to Apex 1 Radio recently, Myra Maimoh explained that it took her and her team about one year to complete the album. “And this is because we would work and halt,” she told Apex Snapshot.

The ‘proud Banso girl’ (as Myra refers to herself) explained that she had initially wanted to load the album with eleven or twelve songs, but later thought otherwise. “After all, the most important thing is to have salient messages sent across and I think we achieved that in the six songs,” she said.

In the messages, the artist succeeds in healing and encouraging the world with positive thoughts and lessons. But Myra thinks that the conversation is not over. “I’m calling on my fans and everyone to join me on social media let’s continue talking about these things of life and how we can fix things to make the world a better place to live in,”

Mixed and mastered at M1 Studio in Molyko Buea by Emil Ngumbah, Uniq also features Achalle, of blessed memory (A No Go Tire). The other songs in the album On Va Danser, Feh Vitavivi, Uniq, Beau Parleur and Faraway. So far, only A No Go Tire and On Va Danser have videos. “Another video will be coming pretty soon,” the artist announced on the radio show. The tracks are available on iTunes and Amazon.

Born in Bamenda, North West region of Cameroon (in Central Africa), Myra Maimoh she grew up in an average Christian family home with her parents and siblings. “My mother is my greatest musical influence,” she would say all the time. “She loves African blues, Country and traditional African music and this has influenced me a great deal.” Myra grew up with artists such as Skeeter Davies, James Brown, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong.

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/uniq-ep/id1131696558?app=music&;ign-mpt=uo%3D4

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Uniq-Myra-Maimoh/dp/B01I2M0G4W/ref=sr_1_2?s=dmusic&;ie=UTF8&qid=1471095938&sr=1-2-mp3-albums-bar-strip-0&keywords=Myra+Maimoh

Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/album/2WvbIkETMF3zNtWmByHNmI?play=true&;utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open

Website: http://www.myramaimoh.com/#!shop/oz7bi


Facebook: Myra Maimoh World

Instagram: @myramaimoh

Twitter: @myramaimoh

Site: www.myramaimoh.com

Email:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Last Updated on Friday, 16 September 2016 23:03
UNFOLDING: “NAGCAM-USA elections are null and void” – Kena Kesha, NAGCAM national president
News / Latest / Ernest Kanjo
Monday, 05 September 2016 20:47

Kena KeshaThe national president of the National Actors’ Guild of Cameroon, NAGCAM has declared that the election of a new bureau in its USA branch is null and void. “We are not recognizing the elections nor the new administration put in place, so as far as I’m concerned, Terence Limona is still the president of NAGCAM-USA,” Kesha said.

The NAGCAM national president was reacting to a TIPTOPSTARS story announcing the election results that brought Mot Tita Pale aka Don Pale to the helm of the USA branch of the National Actors’ Guild of Cameroon.

“The national exco was not informed about any such proceedings and we consider that as undermining our role,” Kesha told TIPTOPSTARS. “I’m surprised that our USA branch held elections without our knowledge and that is unacceptable,” the NAGCAM boss went on.

What was USA supposed to do then, we put it to Kesha. “First, USA had to inform the national office in Cameroon, then send us the list of candidates for scrutiny. We need to know who qualifies to run for what position and if they are registered with the guild. When all of this is done, we can give our accord for the elections to take place,” Kesha explained.

According to Kesha, the national executive committee of NAGCAM will meet to discuss the issue, but for now, yesterday’s elections and the new bureau put in place are not recognized.

Contacted at press time, Don Pale, the elected NAGCAN-USA president explained that he is not aware of whatever had been transpiring between the former bureau and the national bureau. Rather, he has asked his predecessor to link him up with Kena Kesha so that booth of them can talk. “But if the national president is going to reject that present statusquo, then he is by implication rejecting the whole notion of NAGCAM-USA and I’m not going to stand by that,” Don told TIPTOPSTARS.

Updates subsequently!

Actors' Politics: NAGCAM- USA Names new exco
News / Latest / Ernest Kanjo
Monday, 05 September 2016 14:33
NagcamUSA  TIPTOPSTARSWhen he is officially commissioned into office, Moh Tita Pale aka Don Pale, will for the next two years, carry the aspirations of Cameroonian actors based in the USA to fruition. The Maryland-based actor and one of the pioneers of the new film movement in Cameroon rose to the prestigious position of President of the USA branch of the National Actors’ Guild of Cameroon yesterday, September 4, 2016.

Don Pale secured a comfortable majority over Koti Aloysius at the elections that introduced a new mandate for NAGCAM-USA. “I’m quite honoured to have been elected to this position of leadership and glad with the confidence bestowed on me,” the new NAGCAM-USA boss told TIPTOPSTARS, soon after results of the elections were declared. “I’d love to extend my gratitude to everyone who voted for me and even those who did not and I pledge to be truly serviceable to the guild,” Don Pale went on.

Speaking further to TIPTOPSTARS, the new guild president explained that he will encourage open debate on issues that must be put in order to enable NAGCAM-USA achieve its goals. “But for these goals to be attained, we will need a united guild and this can only thrive on an inclusion approach. Consequently, we would open the doors of the guild and Cameroonians in the USA who are not yet part of it to step in,” Don Pale explained.

While residing in Bamenda, Moh Tita Pale signed into the film industry in 2004. When the actor relocated to Yaounde, Cameroon’s political capital, he worked with JEDIDA Pictures in some of the outfit’s slots projected on CRTV. Don did stage performances with the God-given Idiots theatre troup of the University of Yaounde I.

Upon relocation to the United States, Don became a founding member of the Cameroon Film Industry, CFI after he did same with the Yaounde-Cameroon chapter of the organization.

The young actor, known for his intellectual resourcefulness and interesting eloquence, has featured in eight movies so far. “With this background, I hope to pilot NAGCAM-USA to the apex, yet I’m going to to count on the continuous support and collaboration of members whom I’m urging to bury their hatchets and start speaking the same language,” he said.

Other members of the new NAGCAM-USA bureau are Ryan Atem (doubling as comedian) as Vice President, Nwana Beatrice as Secretary, Bih Nathalie as Financial Secretary and Treasurer, Crystal Beauty (doubling as TV show host) and Ntube McBright Powel aka B1 as Public Relations Officers, Bernadette Keyi as Social Secretary .

Don Pale takes over from Terence Neville Limona aka T-Boy.

Meantime, NAGCAM-USA was created over two years ago as a remnant of CFI-USA (subsequently suppressed to give room for guilds) with Mat Atugon as pioneer caretaker president. It is the only existing branch in the diaspora and has for the time of its existence, functioned without an adopted constitution.

Last Updated on Monday, 05 September 2016 14:40
Back-to-school charity: Sundrop Initiative paves way for kids
News / Latest / Ernest Kanjo
Sunday, 14 August 2016 21:15
IMG-20160808-WA0014Amongst the tools that are used in weaving development, education stands out. Clearly, it is the one with which every other tool depend, to perform the usually herculean task of nation building. Without education, life may go on, but with untold ruptures which could easily have been avoided, if the case was different. Even after they retire from active service, people have been seen, still studying and some, formally. That is undoubtedly illustrative to the fact that education is the key or perhaps gateway to every genuine progress.         

That every child has a right to education may be well spelled out and not easily contested. But that not every child has it, is a more conspicuous reality. As we write, there are still children, who because of inadequate financial and material means, are unable to go to school. Even when tuition at elementary level is generally considered as minimal or affordable, not every child or their parents have been able to raise the money. In some cases, these aspiring learners have homeless, parentless and sickness situations to deal with, making education far-fetched.

In other situations, some less privileged children who go to school have been unable to meet their basic needs. This has most often resulted to irregular attendance (absenteeism) and suspension from school because they cannot pay or complete payment of school fees. Some of them simple drop out. This had definitely had a toll on their later lives.

Though they have always made efforts, governments have been unable to totally solve this problem. That explains why the civil society has stepped in to contribute its own quota.

Sundrop Initiative holds education in high esteem, just as the non-governmental organization bothers about the betterment of less privileged children. Contributing to the education of these children is one of the organization’s most prestigious goals.

In its social development mission geared towards bettering the lives of less privileged children, Sundrop Initiative is organizing a back-to-school fundraiser from August 26-27, 2016 in Buea, Cameroon. According to the organization, the exercise dubbed NOW, YOU CAN, is a come-together of Cameroonian entertainers who are willing to give back (in this first edition, to enable beneficiaries go back to school prepared).

To that effect, a fundraiser which will be done in the form of games has been slated for Hotel Residence Carlos, Muea. During the event, movie actors, musicians, fashion designers, models, etc, will engage in games with the general public, during which time, charitable donations will be made. “This will happen on the first day, that is August the 26th,” Elynn Fesse Basil told TIPTOPSTARS. “On day two, that is August the 27th, we shall hand out scholarships and school materials to pupils,” the founder of Sundrop Initiative told us further.

Apart from catering for the education needs of the less privileged, Sundrop Initiative also takes and follows up cases of child abuse, child labour, domestic violence, rape, basic human rights violation, etc. It also promotes gender equality and handles gender-based issues.

In February this year, the organization visited three orphanages in Fako Division in the South West region of Cameroon. The visit was succeeded by a Charity Dinner in Buea which Apex 1 Radio (www.apex1radio.com) covered live.

Meantime, a radio documentary on the Sundrop Initiative back-to-school charity programme will be produced and aired on Apex 1 Radio in early September.

Meantime, its founder, Elynn Fesse Basil is a reputably engaged Cameroonian actress who believes that films can go beyond entertainment and be a veritable medium for development.

For more information on Sundrop Initiative and for your support, contact its head office at

Miss Bright entrance, Bomaka, Buea, Cameroon.
Tel: 00 (237) 670933409 / 694995911
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Facebook page: Sundrop Initiative Twitter: #SunDini

Last Updated on Sunday, 14 August 2016 21:45
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