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New book subscribes to charity
News / Latest / Ernest Kanjo
Sunday, 21 January 2018 17:19

doomgloom set_tiptopstars
Books, especially the ones whose stories address topical life's challenges, are only said to be successful, if their intended impact is felt. There is no other comforting satisfaction authors of such books could enjoy than achieving such an outcome. This thesis is certainly incubated in the mindset of Antoine Gnintedem, USA-based Cameroonian author of  Doom, Gloom,  And The Pursuit Of The Sun. Doom, Gloom, And The Pursuit Of The Sun is a new book which will officially see the light of day in the coming days. It is however on sale on www.amazon.com  already.

Unlike other profit-oriented art projects, Gnintedem's Doom, Gloom, And The Pursuit For The Sun comes with a mind-blowing charity package which the author humbly considers as a contribution to the social development of his country, Africa and the world at large. According to the author who resides in Memphis, Tennessee,  a portion of the proceeds from sales of the book will be donated to hospitals and organizations in Cameroon and the USA.

In February this year, the Doom, Gloom, And The Pursuit For The Sun Train will be making its first stop-over to deliver to the Mbengwi District Hospital in Momo Division of the North West region. "This will be followed by St Jude Children’s Research Hospital in March 2018," a statement from the author reveals.

The Calvary Apostolic Faith Church, Louisville, Mississippi will be visited by the Doom, Gloom, And The Pursuit Of The Sun charity in April while the Catholic Church of the Nativity, Bartlett, Tennessee gets its turn the following month.

According to Gnintedem, schools are not left out of the Doom, Gloom, And The Pursuit Of The Sun charity plan. The statement from the author writes: "We shall be delivering to the Olympic Glory Bilingual Nursery and Primary School, Yaounde, Cameroon in June 2018."  The first phase of the Doom, Gloom, And The Pursuit Of The Sun charity journey also has UNICEF USA in July,  Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, INC Phi Lamda Omega Chapter in August 2018 and the Catholic Mission, Mbengwi in September. "We are currently working on more schedules which will be communicated as soon as they are ready," Gnintedem told TIPTOPSTARS.

Doom, Gloom, And The Pursuit Of The Sun could be procured on www.amazon.com. Antoine Gnintedem will be guest on Apex Snapshot on Apex 1 Radio (www.apex1radio.com) in the coming days.

Last Updated on Monday, 22 January 2018 13:02
Prosper Menko propels Jesus in new single
News / Latest / TTS
Wednesday, 17 January 2018 07:45

2018-01-17 07_44_36-212_Prosper_Menko_Feat_Protek_Illasheva_-_Belle_Weh_Official_Video_-_YouTube
Prosper Menko is true to his art. He so loves his music time and puts it his all to make it fruitful. That explains why every piece of work he executes, comes along with the real meaning of music - melody, message, sound. These ingredients are very conspicuous in his latest single, "Belle Weh" whose video is shot in South Africa. Featuring Protek, "Belle Weh" is a display of colourful traditional beats, garments and dance. The gospel music artist is back after his previous release a couple of months ago and this time, the steam is even higher. Enjoy "Belle Weh" and spread the word!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 January 2018 08:04
"No regrets for visitors to my exhibition" - Shiri Achu, painter, ahead of Saturday's Douala art displa
News / Latest / Ernest Kanjo
Thursday, 11 January 2018 09:48

Shiri Achu_tiptopstarsTIPTOPSTARS AchUArts

Shiri Achu is without any doubt one of the most prolific African fine artists of modern times. No sooner she closes up a chapter in her painting career, than she opens a new one. And for one thing, the artist is not physically stagnant. Her works have the propensity to move from city to city  and across continents. Not long ago, the painter whose paintings reflect the beautiful simplicity of Africa, was in Australia as part of her mission to encourage understanding of African culture by the western world.  Prior to that, she had engaged a 35InPrint exhibition ride in the United Kingdom where she lived before relocating to the United States. As we write, Shiri Achu is in Douala-Cameroon, bracing to exhibit her works to visitors at her next outing dubbed "A 12-Piece retrospective", billed for Saturday, January 13, 2018. Ahead of the Douala exhibition, the painter spoke with Editor Ernest Kanjo and amongst other things, she outlined the benefits visitors to this cultural event would derive from attending. Excerpts!

Ernest Kanjo (EK): Hello Shiri! How're you today?

Shiri Achu (SA): Great! And you?

EK: Good! Your next exhibition is dubbed "A 12-Piece Retrospective" - confirmed?

 SA: Yes! This exhibition marks the beginning of 2018 and will run through the year. I'm exhibiting in two locations. I actually started on the 4th of January at Thought Pyramid Art centre in Lagos, Nigeria. It was great.  This second exhibition takes place on Saturday on the 13th of January at The Shalom building in  Douala, Cameroon.

EK: Does it mean you will only be exhibiting 12 pieces of fine arts works?

SA: Correct!

EK: What do you mean by retrospective here?

SA: I'm looking back at these specially selected pieces and speaking about them. In a way, I am bringing to the interesting facts to the foreground such as why they were produced, where they have sold, which celebrity owns them and so on.

EK: When and where were these paintings done?

SA: These paintings were created in Cameroon, London and Washington DC.

EK: Select two or three from the lot and briefly explain what each of them stand for...

SA: Distant butterfly is unique to the collection but I needed to add the colour and spirit of the moment to the 12 piece exhibition. Along 2  was created in Cameroon, and these prints have been selling pieces  at The Smithsonian and The National Museum of African Art. It is also owned by Roger Milla and is the piece for the month of May, 2018. What does that mean? Each month, a different piece is highlighted and some of the proceeds of sales go to The ^Raise The  Roof^ campaign which we talked about on Apex 1 Radio some time ago. Consequently, ‘1.1.11 Baforchu big men celebrate! is highlighted for the month of January. Shiri Achu Art 2018 Calendar also runs along this 12-Piece Retrospective exhibition as each piece is highlighted at the bottom of each month. The calendar is now available for purchase.

EK: Have these paintings been exhibited elsewhere before?

SA: Yes, during the InPrint series of exhibitions.

EK: Who are these paintings meant for?

SA: They are meant for everyone who loves and appreciates the value of  art and culture.

EK: Any extra benefit for whoever will acquire any of the paintings at the Douala exhibition?

SA: I will be there all day and will be able to talk at greater length about each piece. I will be answering  questions  and I think that would be a plus on those purchasing on that day. No regrets for visitors to my exhibition!

EK: Is this the first time Achu Shiri is exhibiting her works in Douala?

SA: No, it's not!

EK: Could you remind us of the date, venue and time for the exhibition?

SA: Saturday, the 13th January 2018 at Shalom Building, first floor. The building is opposite Pharmacie du Pont and Express Union, Bonassama, Bonaberi in Douala. The exhibition kicks off at exactly 10am and will run till 9pm.

EK: Thanks for talking to TIPTOPSTARS Shiri!

SA: It's always a pleasure Ernest!

Some major Shiri Achu Arts Exhibitions:

§  The 30th Act - London, UK (2014)

§   35InPrint - London, UK (2014)

§  36InPrint - Washington DC (2015)

§  Artomatic 2016 art exhibition

§  37InPrint - Adelaide, Australia (2016)

§  38InPrint - Jamaica (2017)

For purchase, go to https://www.shiriachuart.com/2018-with-shiri-achu-art-calendar




Last Updated on Thursday, 11 January 2018 12:44
Branding: Koree’s first 30 Apex days
News / Latest / By Ngi Benita Mbah
Wednesday, 10 January 2018 23:52

In painting the face of her life, Enoh Koree would definitely spend a little more time mixing the colours that would best go for her first four weeks as brand ambassador for Apex 1 Radio. It was a baptism of fire-like beginning. The renowned make-up artist, more than ever, got engaged in image-building tasks which from a surface perspective usually never seems herculean, but which in deeper sense, could be very serious. Between December 4, 2017 and January 5, 2018, the brand ambassador made three hectic outings, bearing the flag of the media outfit she has been modelling for amidst great expectations.

Koree’s maiden outing happened on December 15, 2017 when the film beauty specialist cum actress showed up to represent Apex 1 Radio at the annual Buea Fashion Week (BFW) event. She was spotted confidently carrying an Apex 1 Radio station ID on her chest. “Apex 1 Radio promotes the African cultural heritage, fashion being part of it,” she explained. “Our presence at the BFW is just a fulfillment of this mission.”

A week later, the brand ambassador made a conspicuous appearance at the highly-rated and much-talked about Bonteh Digital Media Awards (BDMA) that took place at the Eta Palace in Molyko Buea. Koree was given the privilege to mount the rostrum and present one of the converted prizes. “The BDMA was a great success and I’m glad my radio station was on board to contribute to this,” she opined. “We were quite amazed with the organization and I must hail the young Bonteh for his courage and sense of organization.”

Perhaps, the January 5 “Shrill” movie premiere meant much to the ebony model because it related more with what she does on a regular basis – movie make-up. In a flaunting yellowish party gown, the model walked the red carpet hallways of the W-Cinema Buea Shopping Mall venue of the event, attracting attention from the scores of guests who showed up. Koree wore a broad Apex 1 Radio smile from start to finish, which translated her image-marketing day into what the artist described as an amazing experience.

“Meeting people and talking about Apex 1 Radio has been an awesome exercise for me these past couple of weeks and I just love to keep doing this,” Koree told TIPTOPSTARS. “I keep painting these great moments in my minds and looking forward to making it happen in better ways.”

Last Updated on Thursday, 11 January 2018 00:07
Make-up luminary becomes Apex 1 Radio brand ambassador
News / Latest / Emmanuel Paye & Maggie Daizy
Tuesday, 05 December 2017 19:53

Enoh KoreeScouting for the worthwhile personality who would carry the aspirations of Apex 1 Radio across the Central and West African sub regions was to say the least, the most effortless task the station has carried out since its creation in 2015. It would have been, if Enoh Emilie Faith Koree was out of the picture. However, the Performing & Visual Arts graduate from the University of Buea squarely fitted into the job, upon the initial snapshot on her profile.

In a deliberate option to transform Africa by connecting the continent to the contemporary network where youths and their visions reign supreme, the station had little choices left on its table. Picking Enoh Koree (as the leading make-up artist who doubles as an actor as simply called) only goes to buttress this ideology.

“I haven’t come across a youth who is so purposefully focused and does her job with amazingly exactitude such as Koree. She’s one in a million,” Winny, an Ohio-based beautician told TIPTOPSTARS. The beauty specialist, who told us she has been carefully following up Koree and her works, explained that naming the young, yet talented artist as brand ambassador for Apex 1 Radio was the wisest decision the station ever made. “She is an asset and would definitely be a good one for Apex 1 Radio,” said the beautician.

To Pridel, a marketing expert for a Columbus Ohio-based fashion outfit, Koree is a great revelation, if she only goes by her works. “I noticed she is extraordinarily talented,” she indicated. “I’d equally have had her to model for my products if I were to select a face for them,” she confessed.

In Cameroon, the reaction has been the same. “Apex 1 Radio went for the best, I’m not surprised,” Sherilline Queen, Cameroonian actress who has starred in Bollywood films opined. She went on: “Koree’s humility beats anything else – I’m happy for her.”

To the new brand ambassador for Apex 1 Radio, executing the task for which she is hired is primordial. “In as much as I’m glad and feel really honoured to have been given this opportunity, I look forward to performing my duties so assiduously,” Koree told TIPTOPSTARS. “I’m one person who never lies on their laurels - I have an uphill task – upholding the good values Apex 1 Radio professes is my biggest responsibility. I’m therefore settling for work in a bid to give the station the most deserved image out there,” the corporate image worker told us.

Amongst other things, the new brand ambassador shall represent the station at public events – conferences, seminars, workshops, music concerts, movie premieres, trade fairs, etc. She shall present the station to individuals, new audiences, the business community, officials and other groups of interest. In the same light, she shall carry out Apex 1 Radio’s humanitarian/charity activities to less privileged populations.

Koree who is at her best when she is carvings out SFX wounds on the bodies of movie actors as they brace to go on set, is a fascinating stage performer. She did scores of plays during her University of Buea days, including Obsession, written by Anne Tanyi Tang and directed by Ade Joseph and Nkumah written by Patricia Temech, Green Hills by Ayang Fred and Gaining the Game by Mathew Takwi. She has featured in a number of movies as well.

Enoh Koree becomes Apex 1 Radio brand ambassador at a time the station seeks to expand its scope of community outreach in a bid to achieve the radio of proximity mission it set from the onset. A new app for the station is on its way, but for now, Apex 1 Radio could be listened to at www.apex1radio.com or download the Tunein app and search Apex 1 Radio.

Enoh Koree will be guest on a special edition of Apex Snapshot later this December.

FACT FILE Enoh Emilie Faith Koree

Artist name: Enoh Koree

Apex 1 Radio Brand Ambassador for 2018

Central & West Africa
 Profession 1: Make-up artist

Profession 2: Actor

Origin: Cameroon
 EDUCATION  BA, Performing & Visual Arts (University of Buea)
 Complexion: Dark

Height: 1.63m
Hobbies Eating, dancing, singing, swimming, travelling
Movie featuring §  Rumble
§  Our Wishes
§  Silent Road
§  My Defendants
Movie make-ups §  Rumble
§  Life Point (SFX make-up)
§  E Do
§  Muwelle
§  Silent Road
§  40-Years-Old Virgin (Nollywood movie)
§  Baby Daddy (Nollywood movie)
§  Portal
§  Mabe Mabore
§  Our Wishes
§  The Day After
§  Little Cindy
§  The Other Side
§  Shrill (SFX make-up)
§  The Message

Last Updated on Tuesday, 05 December 2017 20:24
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