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... through Bad Angel, a Premier Films series, currently being screened on CRTV and directed by Elvis Tanwie aka De Dadies. Before the series, the young actress who draws inspiration from Solange Yijika featured ...
... were director/producers such as Elvis Tanwies, Judas Case, Neba Lawrence - artists such as Solange Yijika, Ruth Nkwenti, Nkwah Kingsly, etc. It should be noted that Ecrans Noirs’ CEO Bassek Ba Khobio is ...
... such as Peter Njodzeka aka Penjo, Tanwie Elvis, Stanley Miki and Mandi Priscilia. The movie will be circulated worldwide.  ...
... the now defunct Caretaker Committee Chiatoh Collins, producer/actor Henri Obama, producer/director Elvis Tanwie aka De daddies and producer/director Anthony Kamwa. Portions of what they told Editor Ernest ...
... Yijika (Yaounde) Elvis Tanwie (Yaounde) Esua Julius Fossung (Kumba) Alasambom Nyintchou (Yaounde) Alenne Menget (Douala)  ...
... CRITICAL EYE FILM FORUM, CEFF, an outfit he created together with Elvis Tanwie and Tanko Francois (film technicians).  ...
... Tata Kinge, etc in Not My Will, Elvis Tanwie made use of the acting skills of Richard King and Sine in Ride My Wrongs. Who says actors are not multi-talented?  ...
... Decision by Tanwie Elvis aka De Daddies), best short film (Supplication by Takong Delvis and Lost Ego by Wa’a Musi, best indigenous film (Shembeh by Cosson Chinepoh), best indigenous actress (Sende Bende), ...
...  Shot in Yaounde a couple of weeks ago, The Dec ision is directed by Elvis Tanwie aka De Daddies. Featuring in the 120 minutes long film, edited by Takong Delvis (producer of Supplication) are Sea'Ali ...
Another Cameroonian short film in gestation! Stick On It sees the light of day in May 2012. It’s going to be an Elvis Tanwie (De Daddies) film, produced by Peter Ndjozeka and Penjo Entertainment Productions. ...
... wants the boy initiated traditionally at all cost. The decision must be reached but what decision and at what price? Find out as you watch The Decision, directed by Elvis Tanwie aka De Daddies. Featuring ...
... magazine’s editor recently. Also watch out for Elvis Tanwie’s Caught Within, produced by Dinga Quiniva and the still-to-come block buster recently shot in Limbe, starring Jim Iyke, directed by Neba Lawrence ...
Film maker Elvis Tanwie aka De Daddies hardly finds time to have a respite. He shuttles between one project to the other. It’s less than 72 hours since he completed his most recent directing job. De ...
... by the wanton nose for financial and material wealth without doing any genuine work. It is directed by Elvis Tanwie aka Deddadies with Peter Ndjodzeka alias Penjo as camera operator and Gandia Theodore ...
... glad I was up to the task,” the up-and-coming movie star who is also a graduate from the University of Yaounde II, Soa told TIPTOPSTARS editor recently. Other movies such as Osmosis directed by Elvis Tanwie ...
... as well. It is an initiative of Ernest Kanjo (TIPTOPSTARS Editor), film makers Elvis Tanwie aka Deddadies (producer/director) and Tanko Francois aka Ishmalight (lighting technician and camera operator) ...
... would have assessed himself following his first attempt. With Elvis Tanwie aka Deddadies as the continuity artist, Supplication, a Tenning Nova Productions production is shot on locations in Bamenda. It ...
... is earmarked to feature in Brown Pasture, a film to be directed by Elvis Tanwie aka De Daddies. Perhaps, his next glorious experience will come from Obsession (premiered in Stuttgart Germany in April 2011) ...
... of filmmakers Elvis Tanwie and Tanko Frank. The forum brings together film critics who provide a cinematographic appraisal of movies after project in a bid to ensure quality control and encourage watchable ...
... with filmmakers Elvis Tanwie and Tanko Francois, two Cameroonian films were projected (previewed) and evaluated recently in Yaounde. Nwatum Damasus’ Beriwo, produced by Peter Njodzeka and Tanwie Elvis’ ...
... Ferdinand (director/producer), Solange Yijika (actress), Chi Anthony (producer/actor), Billy Bob Ndive (producer/director/actor), Vivian Nintai (producer/actress), Agwe George (director/actor), Tanwie ...
22. Nexus Previewed and Reviewed
... film critics and film viewers to Review and provide a cinematographic appreciation of motion video productions. In the maiden edition, Elvis Tanwie and crew reacted to comments from the CEF team on Canal ...
23. Ebot Vera’s Edge in Movies
... soon," Elvis Tanwie, Vera most recent director told TOTOPSTARS. Then, we sought further to know what it looked like working with the University of Yaounde I Performing Arts and Cinematography Masters II ...
24. Richard Kings on movie set
... "I saw myself getting on smoothly to the utter amazement of my director." "Then, I loved playing Presley whose problems were just my kind of problems." To director Elvis Tanwie, Richard was a wonderful ...
25. Ride My Wrongs Out Soon
... behold, Richard gave us just what we wanted," Elvis Tanwie, the movie's director told me. "He was great and showed no signs he was a fresh boy on set." Tanwie went on. As well, newcomer Epule Jeffrey ...
...  Perhaps the surprise for the day was the recognition of some people whom project CEO, Chiatoh Collins and project organiser, Elvis Tanwie said had contributed remarkably to the growth of the industry. ...
... Von Yen Bi, Mbongho Junior N.N. Continuity lord Tanwie Elvis, clad in a fashionable jacket and leather trousers pulled attraction. Dressed in Yuraba traditional regalia, producer Chi Anthony commanded ...
... “I can assure you that Clash of Inheritance will be highly acclaimed,” said Elvis Tanwie, renowned Yaounde-based continuity artist. “Steve has done a movie of exceptional quality,” ...
29. My Successor on Our Screens
... Ferdinand alias Penda, with Didi Lobe as Assistant Director, Buminang Elvis as Cinematographer, Elvis Tanwie as Continuity Artist, Tanko François as Light Technician and Onya Valentine as Production ...
30. De Dadies’ Continuous Efforts
Young Elvis Tanwie is one of the leading pioneer continuity artists, in Cameroon, west of the Mungo. Also known as production secretary, a Continuity artist organises shooting, taking track of aspects ...
31. Nange Cuts Niche for Herself
... pay tribute to Neba Lawrence and Elvis Tanwie for bringing her into the limelight.  ...
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  • Well, I think the CEA was a very shallow and misgu... More...
  • This is creativity we are talking about, this are ... More...
  • Lovelyn,your pre-selection criterias are ok but i'... More...
  • camhood 4 the better More...
  • fame is gd More...
  • cool girls dat was great but this year we the cons... More...