Home The News World premieres: Oklahoma City, Dalla, play host to A Good Time To Divorce
World premieres: Oklahoma City, Dalla, play host to A Good Time To Divorce
News / Latest / By Nkanya Nkwai / Tuesday, 27 February 2018 22:03

divorce tiptopstarsEven the most lucid things have become incomprehensible. What's funny appears stupid and makes no sense. The acrimony we live at the immediate time culled - out of what is going on in our society leaves no room in us for "entertainment". This puts some of us in the creative industry in a very difficult place. Some of us wish we didn't have to release and put forth what's meant for entertainment when the people are dealing with a critical issue that challenges their existence as a people. But to us the creative industry is what we depend and hope on to become anything else in life. We are not different from lawyers, teachers, farmers, doctors, engineers, journalists etc. Who have to do what is necessary not just to ensure the proper functioning of the society but ensure the continuance of the fabric of the society hence our (entertainers) subsistence. That is why you see us still doing entertainment at the immediate time.

A Good Time To Divorce is a story about a Chief Warrant Officer in retirement who refuses to accept divorce from his wife. It is family drama that addresses some of life's core values. This movie was filmed in May and June 2017 in Buea, Cameroon. The cast and crew are all Cameroonians except the Sound Engineer Jean Marc but he resides in Cameroon and is married to a Cameroonian.

The world premiere of the movie has been scheduled for Oklahoma on March 24 and Dallas on April 6. The movie is written and directed by Nkanya Nkwai but not without the support of Yibain Emile-Aime Chah  Achille Brice Anurin Nwunembom aka Roots Art Tebo Njei Safindah Indah Wilston Muluh Mokom aka Kool Day Willston Fred Takum Godisz Fungwa Njonguo Kate Alenne Menget Ats Rapha Obi Tambe Palmer Ngale MbuaJean - Marc  Cedot Prisca Edie. Glory Mukake Ivan Namme Nene Fembe Esther Bih Leo King Fritz Sonne Anim Lynno Lovert Frank Sire Yinyu Faithful Flourishing Clari Banz Cla Mayorchu official Calvino Wallang Mbang Joseph Song Njingu Jones and a host of others. The movie's costume was designed by Sharon Manka creative director of Sha Sha Designs.

The Executive Producers of the movie are Mr and Mrs Edie; Edie Boris and Nicol L Lami. This wonderful couple has an excellent performance in doing job and making sure we have the best possible outcome of the movie.

We humbly invite you to support us. Buy a ticket, even if you will be unavoidably absent. This is Cameroon Panther!


Tickets are available on this webpage – www.edieproductions-agttd.com
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