Home Entertainment POETRY Poetry: I'll rather be late than Never
Poetry: I'll rather be late than Never
Sharon Dione / Tuesday, 16 March 2021 22:47
Ill rather_be_late_than_Never

I'll rather be late than Never
I'll rather be late than never
I love you
These words I've longed to tell you
And pamper you like a gem you're to me
I see your patience dieing on a daily basis
As your eyes goes dark and weak from
I hear your silent prayers while I pray for the
perfect opportunity
To tell you I love you
After so long of fear and procrastinating
I am woken by the sneaky thought of death
I'll rather be late than never
I love you
I'll rather be late than never
The thought of loosing you
Without sending you roses
Without playing hide and see
Without seating around the fire under a full
Or without taking vows along the beach
Or dancing under the rain
Or playing 7stones
Has become a dreadful nightmare
I'll rather be late than never
All these I want to do for you and more
I love you
(C) Sharon Dione
March 16th

Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 March 2021 22:53
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