If there is one thing one should not afford to lack, it is DREAM. Most often than not, when you dream, the tendency is for you to rise and see this dream come true. If this is coated with Faith, there is no doubt that the end result will be delicious. This assertion best describes the young people whose efforts have been brought to the limelight through The HillTopians, Cameroon’s latest publication on the country’s ever-swelling newsstand.
“We have nursed The HillTopians magazine dream for four months and I can only say I feel fulfilled after its final release,” Fri Ngu aka Frisha Gold told TIPTOPSTARS on the heels of the launch of the magazine. “I feel like I just gave birth to a baby,” the Yaounde-based Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of The HillTopians explained further.
According to the HillTopians EIC, the publication has come to provide the answer to several questions on the lives of Christian youths, most of whom are talented and possess unexplored skills. “We think that we can create an impact on such youths beyond the walls of the Church and The HillTopians could just be that much-desired avenue,” said the EIC.
Published and run by the Yaounde Hill-Top Faith Ministries International, The HillTopians is a published in colour with four writers filling the columns so far – Frishs Gold Ngu, Bennis Nchang, Bob Zionson and Chi Valery.
Designed d by DURELLA CONCEPTS, the 18-paged maiden issue of The HillTopians has the spiritual leader of the Yaounde Hill-Top Faith Ministries, Rev, Steve Olatunde Abolarin and wife Olatunde Eleanor Nagwah as cover stars. It also carries an exclusive interview with the former. You may just like to know ‘Mama’s seven secrets to mental bliss’, then procure a copy of the maiden issue in which you would also read about the Cameroon-FIFA ‘palaver’ which fortunately is being resolved in a reasonable manner. These and more are the professionally-crafted and packaged write-ups that enrich The HillTopians No 1.
According to EIC, The HillTopians will hit the newsstands every month but for now is only circulating within Cameroon.
Known for her extra-ordinary drive, The HillTopians Editor-in-Chief, Frisha Gold Ngu is also a fine film scriptwriter and freelance daily-life freelance commentator whose works, regularly published on the social media network, Facebook have attracted wide admiration. On his part the spiritual leader of Hill-Top Faith Ministries International and publishers of The HillTopians, Rev. Steve Olatunde is well reputed for his efforts in making talented youths productive and useful to their community. He is a motivational speaker par excellence and from time to time organizes forums where youths are drilled on how to explore God-given skills. This latest initiative only comes to make the Cameroonian print media landscape a publication richer.