For quite some time now, there has been an admirable committed effort by young Cameroonian film makers to improve the quality of film production in the country. This effort has been prominent in the area of scriptwriting, often said to be the core of the film making process. This positive spirit has undoubtedly attracted willing supporters of the film industry in Cameroon and at every moment the need has arisen, they have not failed to come on board. A recent example is the African Film Consortium, otherwise simply called AFC, organizer of a workshop on story directions and scriptwriting.
According to organizers, the workshop which took place from August 27 to 30, 2012 was aimed at harvesting Cameroon’s enormous film making potentials, yet enriching the writing skills of the film makers .“The African Film Consortium believes the scripting workshop will lay a foundation in raising skilled and focus African filmmaker to make original and peculiar African films, therefore placing Africa in global film culture,” a pre-workshop statement read.
For three days, participants schooled themselves in the art of story development. To ferry the aspirations of the vision further heights, six of them were selected to each write a 10-minute long script, two of which will be sponsored and produced by AFC. These two, according to organizers would be the bests.
Reports say the workshop which was sponsored by the Nigerian Consulate in Buea, Cameroon attracted over 130 participants. Officials from AFC present included the organization’s President Mykel Ajaere, its Secretary General Neba Lawrence, and Country Representative for Cameroon Madam Ketsia. These officials benefitted from the moral assistance of the Nigerian Consul to Cameroon - Buea Mohamed Akan, the Regional Delegate of Culture for the South West Lita Roge and the President of the Cameroon Film Industry, CFI, Waa Musi.
Participants left the Buea workshop which took place at Hotel Residence Carlos visibly satisfied they’d refreshed themselves in scriptwriting. This was largely thanks to the expertise of the AFC-organized workshop’s resource persons - Efefiong Akpan, a seasoned writer from Nigeria and Tracy Campbell, an international TV producer and director and a Hollywood-trained scriptwriter at Warner Bros Studios.
Meantime, the African Film Consortium is an initiative of the African Film Development Foundation, a registered support organization that cultivates the film culture and education in Africa, while broadening its continental and global horizon.