Driven by constant words of encouragement from his beloved mother of blessed memory, Lovert Lambe challenged himself to hit the apex of a God-given talent he had nurtured for years – acting. Even when the talented comedian, today Copees of the Capees Comedy World spent much time in the past, backing up gospel music artists in the studio, ministering at concerts and editing videos, he pressed on with acting. If Nkanya Nkwai gave him a thumbs-up in A Good Time To Divorce, produced by USA-based Lami Nicole and streaming on Amazon Prime Video since 2020, Bechem Bisong and Tessy Esseme, were pleased having him featuring Manso and Where I Come From, respectively. Lovert has also featured in Apple for Two, Stray, Maija, The Chariots of the gods and R’gony.
Perhaps, the comic side of Lovert which turned the Buea-based multi-talented ‘massa’ of Caro, is the biggest reason he is now the most talked-about Cameroonian comedian. Just five years into the journey (having embarked in 2015), Lovert changed his own story by simply bonding with Mbeng Lilian, Caro and flowing in an irresistible ocean of acting brilliance. This has resulted to some of the best skits ever produced in the past one year, including Kwacoco Go Sweet So?, Over Know, Poke-Nose, Electric Bill, Cleaners, Long Hand, Repentance, Cunny, Njangi, Marriage Counsellors, Public Tap, etc.

Award-winning Lovert, Copees, and Lilian, Caro, run what is now described as the most successful comedy project in Cameroon, Capees Comey World which produces weekly skits, released every Friday. The two now most valuable comedians work with a big team of people comprising actors and technicians, but their biggest asset is the 16,000 subscribers on their YouTube channel.