Home The News African 176 on Apex1Radio
African 176 on Apex1Radio
News / Latest / TTS / Wednesday, 14 April 2021 18:21

african fiesta
Claudia Fonguh and performing arts have a longstanding relationship which continues to solidify by the day. Her zeal to explore further into the seventh art flew her to the world's second biggest film industry, Nollywood where she has performing for a couple of years now. As the Cameroonian actress tells us about her Nollywood exploits this week on AFRICAN FIESTA, we also find out how Yvonne Rosevell became part of the Capees Comedy World crew.The Buea-based actress/comedian will be speaking at a time dust is yet to settle on the 5th anniversary celebration of F&F Fashion House. Its founder and CEO, Njikta Linda who doubles as entrepreneur says she still has more in store for lovers of fashion, just like Aminata Vandy who is poised on having Africans from English-speaking countries master and speak the French language. Her Learning French With Vandi YouTube project will be the topic of our conversation on the show. On her part, Karine Atem provides lessons from the Word through her track, THE SECRET PLACE. The gospel music artist tells us more about her latest single. These five young African women contributing to the growth of the continent in their respective ways, are our guest on the 176th edition of AFRICAN FIESTA this Saturday. The show starts at 10am EST (3pm gmt +1)

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 14 April 2021 18:25
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