News / Latest / TTS / Thursday, 30 July 2020 00:00 |
 Young Nikki Ngamne strongly believes that the intelligentsia has a major role to play in community and global development. Her wish has always been to add her brain to this and leave a legacy. She however did not wait to do that in her 50s. To her, the time is now, so long as the required tools are available. Her skill in writing has thus turned out to be the tool with which to weave this contribution. First result – a self-published book, now in circulation. NOTE2 U, the said book, will be one of the topics we will be discussing with the young author, when she comes on radio this Saturday. We will also look at Nikki’s future projects and her ambitions in the book industry. The third year International Business and Media Marketing university student will be guest on Apex Snapshot. Join us at 11am EST (10am in Mn) at – tunein app – Facebook live @ Apex 1 Take the appointment!
Last Updated on Friday, 21 August 2020 05:04 |