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... extensively on the Cameroonian film industry and has several awards from his works in film reporting. He is currently undergoing training in film criticism. Also find review of Nkanya Nkwai’s SAVING ...
2. Poetry: Candle
... Your innocence my saving grace I burn Burn to nothing Only to be remembered Remembered as a saint (C) Sharon Dione March 9th ...
... has featured in Bad Angel (TV series), Rumble (TV series), Shrill, Little Cindy (Amazon Prime), Choices We Make, Saving Mbango (Amazon Prime) Stray, My Gender My Pain (Amazon Prime).  ...
... movies in recent times, on Amazon Prime Video, so far, the biggest online movie streamer after NETFLIX. As we write, eight Cameroonian movies have made it on Amazon Prime Video – Saving Mbango, A ...
Nkanya Nkwai’s SAVING MBANGO, produced by Stephanie Tum and Julia L. Ngam, is a typical reflection of story sincerity. From start to finish, role interpreters inhabit their characters to sharply contrast ...
... as an example of financial responsibility. Her being up-to-date with ‘njangi’ (thrift and loans) attendance and savings is clearly indicative of this assertion. Back home, she cares by the true sense ...
... to take me to Upper Bafut and back - ‘na cry this?’. I cried because I wasn’t going to have the kind of satisfaction Youth Day was known to provide. The practice of saving money in view of the Youth Day ...
... entire personal savings, Emilie has structured and aims to develop the company into a nationally and internationally recognized entity that will operate in several markets, as well as across the globe. ...
... in Nollywood movies. Sylvie Mbuta leads this chart. Currently in the USA, Syl Anim as she would love to be called has featured in several Nigerian films including Mamush , Saving Sarah, Broken Edge, Last ...
... commitment to the crisis in Somalia. She could not believe another finalist could take interest in her country. While the Cameroonian will focus on saving lives in Somalia, she is also interested in ...
11. "Nollywood Likes Me"
...  Saving Sarah  Broken Edge Last picnic The Mistress Jardon  Mask of death The wrong woman Without shame And many more      ...
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  • Well, I think the CEA was a very shallow and misgu... More...
  • This is creativity we are talking about, this are ... More...
  • Lovelyn,your pre-selection criterias are ok but i'... More...
  • camhood 4 the better More...
  • fame is gd More...
  • cool girls dat was great but this year we the cons... More...