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... to the forefront with grace and respect." "Every beat and lyric feels like a step back into the heart of Manyu, reminding us of the power and beauty of our traditions," Agbor Shared Both tracks are ...
2. Under the moon light
... dance of rebirth Freedom Reminding me of my power My sacredness My nakedness My wombness I am the reincarnated bloodline of the water tribe The purest there is Born of chaos I am transmuted into gold Born ...
... HALF HEAVEN is distinguished as prominent thing in the Cameroonian film space, as eager lovers of movie brace to be at the arrival point upon delivery. “My mind is fixed on it, I can’t wait to see ...
... and actions brutally remind you of where you’re coming from, is ground-breeding for stress and why not depression. In his new book, ALIEN AT HOME, Antoine Gnintedem exploits this topic and possibly charts ...
... ever did. Just the fact that in certain places, words and actions brutally remind you of where you’re coming from, is ground-breeding for stress and why not depression. In his new book, ALIEN AT HOME, ...
... in the mind of every experienced movie actor and acting coach. As scores of young people aspire to becomes actors, what can be done to make the practice more and more attractive? That is the question ...
7. Under the Mango tree
... to manhood Stories untold were told And women were bethroded To men I am reminded of my commitment to my community under the Mango tree ...
8. Poetry: My Poets Mind
My Poets Mind I am lost in the shadows of my words Not knowing What to think, nor What to write To some it comes easy To some after much thinking What matters is the end Which is a poem Being a poet ...
... my scar I am bold and beautiful Every line on my face has a story Every stitch bears my pain I'm beautiful inside out, I feel it, I know it Because it is a state of mind My mind told me I'm beautiful Beauty ...
... took place Maybe these are my unconscious desires Reminding me of their existence Asking me to look within and bring them to life They want to be heard They want to be seen and felt The question is Do ...
... my teary eyes I walk the walk to the end Regardless Of the woman in the mirror My mind has lost sight Of beauty I'm confident in my diary (C) Sharon Dione March 6th ...
12. Poetry: Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist Anxious, cold, angry, hot, excited, weak Sensations ignited by your touch I go wanting for more Each time you kiss and caresse me Your exquisite face and perfect skin Is a reminder demons ...
13. The grace in Gracee
... mastery of all. Profession and career are not however the only armors around this great woman. Gracee’s life philosophy is so deeply rooted in positive mindedness. Her lens is fashioned to zoom on ...
... you will do it. Surely, these are the kind of reflections, Belinda Asahchop accommodates on her mind as she helps people in building confidence in themselves. The Confidence and Clarity Coach explains ...
... app – Facebook live @ Apex 1 Radio-www.apex1radio.com – don’t hesitate to ask those questions that have lingered on your mind. Take the appointment! ...
... Menget) and Rita Nchifor (Lami Lum-Manfor), Fritz blows the mind of the viewer with brilliant acting. “I’m privileged to have worked with Fritz,” Lum Lami-Manfor, one of the producers of AGTTD told ...
... her during fits, are moments which would naturally implant hope of a much more brighter end on the mind of protagonist. When the filmmaker forces John to stoop in water, on the stony bed of the river, ...
As a Journalist/Reporter with special interest in the art, culture and entertainment beat, I’m unapologetically addicted to people with a sound analytical mind in this domain. This, perhaps, is my first ...
... books could enjoy than achieving such an outcome. This thesis is certainly incubated in the mindset of Antoine Gnintedem, USA-based Cameroonian author of  Doom, Gloom,  And The Pursuit Of The ...
...  SA: No, it's not! EK: Could you remind us of the date, venue and time for the exhibition? SA: Saturday, the 13th January 2018 at Shalom Building, first floor. The building is opposite Pharmacie ...
... told TIPTOPSTARS. “I keep painting these great moments in my minds and looking forward to making it happen in better ways.”  ...
... in journalism and mightiest source of inspiration, in the past tense, is the last thought that could hover around my mind. It’s seriously not a palatable exercise! However, as the circumstances have ...
... of the people of the northern regions of Cameroon and Nigeria) danced his lovely spouse along into the celebration hall, for the traditional entry, the artist reminded his audience in Jehovah Oh Yeh that ...
... Eye, U-Turn and Envious Minds.  ...
  Home is home is certainly what hovers around the mind of India-based Cameroonian movie actress, Sherilline Queen. From all indications, she had nostalgically missed Cameroon these past years ...
... gift (whichever one each of them may have), vested in everybody. This gift, they have come to terms with, can turn an individual into a successful enterprise. Undoubtedly, this mindset is doing the ...
... as winner in her category, the Limbe-based actress couldn’t immediately believe. “I had always known I would win awards eventually, especially from Kiss of Death, but Ecrans Noirs was not on my mind,” ...
... to Strategic Alignment of Like Minds - Insurmountable Woman since 2014. She is currently the television host of the Caribbean festival. She also hosted the Courage to Dare breast cancer awareness fashion ...
... colors they deserve is focusing on Washington DC. That the painter is ready and will transform the minds and perceptions of DC dwellers towards paintings is no doubt. “I’m really excited and looking forward ...
... the chain of support. But when and how was the STEC project nursed? “I had thought about something I could do as my little contribution to the development of the African youth and this came to mind,” ...
... been pleasantly significant. Emile Ngomba and his Molyko Buea M-One studio quickly come to mind! What is today described as the biggest music success story in Cameroon, is to a greater extent the result ...
... deal these years losses it whiteness, the wording s on it still legibly tell the true love story, an indication that time may not have the capacity to change minds. At the soothing reunion, it is a ...
... the movie alone is such that any woman who bothers about the problems their kind face would not rest their minds, until they have watched the upcoming movie. "That's why I await it with my eyes wide open," ...
... the completely bilingual (speaks English and French fluently) actress has starred in Invisible Eye, U-Turn, Envious Minds, etc. She doubles as a producer (upcoming Night in the Grasssfield is her maiden ...
... in her can full of acting skills, while Julia Roberts robbed their minds of anything else to instill the admiration of her performing art prowess. These actors and scores of others had won comfortable ...
... that clams down on evil doers. In the track, the young contemporary singer reminds perpetrators of evil that life is too short to rubbish it. The rest of the story is what you would grasp fro the beautifully ...
... of fashion, WardRobe is more than a shop. “I call it a project that has the capacity to completely turn the Cameroonian fashion mindset around,” he explained. It should be recalled the MMPR WardRobe ...
... their minds. Directed by Didi Blaise, the 4.18-minutes long Afro-pop video is filmed by the indefatigable Dr Nkeng Stephens, known for his ingenuity in music videos. This is noticed in scores of other ...
... well as unnerving. Revealing because it has brought us in contact with some very like-minded and equally passionate filmmakers who share our enthusiasm to tell this story to the best of their ability. ...
40. Germany: Immigrant kids trace future
... gradually cropped up. One of those who had these questions hovering in her mind is Miranda OBEN, a Cameroonian intellectual living in Germany. Also a conference organizer and moderator, Miranda, who ...
... Solomon Atah whose six years research on psychology, mind power , social patterns has earned him #Helphope 7 Quantum Humanomics a book that will generate new thought. The book is written as a persuasive ...
... music minds of its everyday listeners. In just a week following Stay’s outing, the remix fetched over a hundred and fifty thousand views on YouTube. That was in 2013. Hilarious! Two years on, there are ...
... My mom reminded me that I had always wanted to help abandoned children and orphans and so this was the time for me to show them that love. She reminded me that I didn’t need to have millions to help someone, ...
... cultures. Before I became the guild boss, I had had this issue on mind and my prayer has always been to have an opportunity to address it someday. Yes, we will look into this issue and ensure that Cameroonian ...
... Eboa Lotin, Kotto Bass (both of blessed memory), Many Dibango, San Fan Thomas, etc, the Realm Squad is reminding the world that makossa is a Cameroonian creation and everyone has to dance to the beautiful ...
... in discussions  at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights which discussions centre around business and activities of the Strategic Alignment of Like Minds – Insurmountable ...
... than 15,000 candidates going in. Other frustrating episodes for young people and you name them. With these on my mind, I soon told myself Youth Day should be reconsidered else, it will be turning youths ...
George Breezy’s Je Suis Kolofata, directed by Romeo Olah is in itself a brilliantly woven weapon that easily dismantles the current insurgency that is clipping Cameroon’s wings from the Northern belt ...
... reality. When years later, neighbouring Nigeria sounded the Destiny Kids (later became Destined Kids) trumpets, it aroused a lot of attention. The talented kids whipped their performance across minds and ...
... The over 40 members who fuel this latest social gathering that has business development at the back of its mind are mostly social media frequented persons who in their various individual platforms, have ...
Hello Siben, the mindset of the heart has never met the abilities of man but a dream well dream, well beleived, and deligently pursued can fetch quiet enough for man. Just keep it up. you already said ...
hey boy, i'm losing count. na number how many dis. didn't someone say here you deserve even more? you don over work! remind me when you start counting towards number 100. congrats! ...
God be Your helper in Your dreams if you do this In a God fearing Mind Natty from China ...
... do it his own way and now is time for critics, mind the way you criticise it. who says it was not a success should try something similar. Mr Chiatoh thanks for giving the industry a push and for pulling ...
hey i am a young Cameroon and student at the university of Buea studying ENGLISH and FRENCH with a lot of interest in acting i wish to know, how or what a could do for this talent of mind to be expressed. ...
this is a great mind speaking. i don't know u personal but trust me, i had heard alot about you. my dream is to one day work with you and binam studios and why not your core unit group. your movie is inspirational, ...
I'm more than proud of you Linda! You seem to be blessed with several hidden talents, some of which i am sure you're not aware. Be open minded and listen to your numerous fans, like me, to identify some ...
Wonders the people say shall never end.I think the CEA is a propeller to promote home base talents and those whoo think they are unable to be there should mind their own matters rather than discouraging ...
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  • Well, I think the CEA was a very shallow and misgu... More...
  • This is creativity we are talking about, this are ... More...
  • Lovelyn,your pre-selection criterias are ok but i'... More...
  • camhood 4 the better More...
  • fame is gd More...
  • cool girls dat was great but this year we the cons... More...