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... women, offering a poignant and respectful tribute through Eyum Anneh’s evocative vocals and meticulous musical arrangement. Listener feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the ...
... When Kay meticulously displays an admirable blend of laughter and cry (6.40m – 7.38m), it is a translation of the good and bad embedded in Dr Russ’ (Duke Murphy Dennis) revelation that excitement (positive) ...
“Whenever they have their names on something, know it’s going to be exceptional, special, and ground-breaking.” Malvis Ann Mohvu said this of Proxy Buh Melvin aka Baba Prox and Enah Johnscott. ...
... 500 thousand views. As we write, views are loading up geometrically. From all indications, it is Africa's time to shine and the continent is indeed shinning. Let the music play on - let the legs move! ...
5. Poetry: Blank sheet
Blank sheet I am a clueless bird With no direction I've only the wind to take me To where I need to be I am space Empty, cold, warm, filled I've you To determine what I'll be I'm a blank sheet of paper ...
6. Poetry : Time
Time Time is just an illusion of man Because time is indefinite We are a description of time From the moment of conception to birth and death It's phase encountered in a space Without these elements time ...
Asaba is vocalist of exceptional quality. The strength of her voice eases the decoding of salient messages that characterize her meticulously package tracks. The author of YELE comes on the air this Saturday, ...
... Capees Comedy World initiative to beam Lilian’s acting prowess to the world, something her immediate film industry sluggishly struggled on. It was rough in the past, as she made frantic efforts in building ...
... thing, food distinguishes a people from others. Even when two countries of two peoples may eat the same thing, there is always something that comes in to differentiate – either the way the food is prepared ...
... the already-established film platform. “After watching the movie’s trailer sometime last year, I have been very anxious to watch the entire story and would be happier to do so on Netflix,” Dibane, ...
11. Poetry: How we met
How we met It's was a Saturday night At my usual spot I laid basking in the moonlight Enjoying the peace of the night and the sounds of crickets Frightenedly I heard heavy footsteps I asked who was there ...
12. Poetry: Tough decision
Tough decision Sometimes I wonder If I made the right decision To silence myself and bend my knee To smile and pretend like you the nicest Like you the sweetest and purest Of all But you were a viper ...
13. Poetry: Take a bow
Take a bow Take a bow Don't let your knee keep you from loving me The distance between our lips Is an arm chair, I climb on Take a bow In bowing, you venerate me Because I'm mother to your kids Your ...
... are being told and the people making things happen talked about, they aren’t celebrated to the extent the world can appreciate Africa. To change the narrative, Sisterspeak237 believes that something ...
... spontaneity in all his dialogues. What makes BYSYID a movie to watch, is the story itself. Plotted in from two angles – Jack and Lovette and Jack’s parents, the filmmakers weave it so meticulously ...
... put her first two songs on a hold, but at one point, we needed to work on something for her. I called Blaise B. and other artists whose names I would not disclose now, and they were all positive about ...
... the writer in SAVING MBANGO and the filmmaker succeed in weaving two diametrically opposing plots to finally pick love as champion. Even John’s (Gudisz Fungwa) consistent family conflicts that would ...
... man be so meticulous in crafting this?" a Sama admirer wondered. This work which has gone viral is definitely just what was required for the UK-based Cameroonian comedian to get to the spotlight and ...
... the Ohio city of Fairfield, found within the Cincinnati metropolis. As expected, scores of family members, colleagues and friends thronged the event venue to witness how the venerated praise singer was ...
... of urban music, the engineers of this new development are explaining that something interestingly different is about to happen, not just the African music industry, but to the art of singing as a whole. ...
... into a satisfactory reality, is what I waited for with an uncontrollable anxiety. In mid-1993, during a maiden physical visit to a radio station, I met Zack for the first time. I had only visited CRTV ...
... me to rate my performance, let the viewing audience decide. As an actor I’m never really satisfied with my performance because I always believe that I could have done something more or better with a ...
... was the door opener for Shalom who since then, has enjoyed an upward trend in her spread-the-gospel-by-singing career. Along her path, the award-winning author of I Don Win has met with golden experiences ...
... “Valery Nchifor is another great actor I am so glad to have met.” Asked about Jeffery Epule, whom the actress on vacation, also met, Sherilline painted a positive picture of Cameroon’s leading movie ...
... areas since it defines a large section of our populations in Africa. Note that those in the rural parts of our continent sometimes migrate to urban areas. Here too they have to grapple with their new ...
... the chain of support. But when and how was the STEC project nursed? “I had thought about something I could do as my little contribution to the development of the African youth and this came to mind,” ...
... the sometimes logical explanation that computer technology makes the making of music easier as opposed to the scenario in the past, has come into play. Buttressing this argument, it is held at certain ...
... Whether their expectations vis-a-vis the story in the movie or its technical and artistic quality, will be met, is what would only be determined upon the release of Woman. But if we depended on the makers ...
... (vegetables common in Cameron’s North West region), the artist is portraying women as being models in fending for their families and why not bread winners. Farm (sometimes indigenously called ‘bush’) is ...
... scores of other Cameroonian contemporary music lovers are receiving the announcement of Daphne’s maiden album with sugary hearts, at a time the singer has won admiration with a fan base that grows geometrically. ...
... opened its doors – the shop has a comfortable place on my fashion taste bud,” Carine, a Bonamoussadi Douala resident told TIPTOPSTARS. “Each time I visit WardRobe, I go home with something valuable – ...
... when my designer comes up with something new, I always want to add, especially at the level of fitness. EK: What is Edith’s outfit taste and why? EP: I love gorgeously fitting outfits that present ...
... from and how sometime one's objectivity could be misguided by fictional misperceptions. The movie is also fueled by our singular desire to do something new and different that would shade more credible ...
34. Call her Leonette ! A new star is born
... inspired you into music? LA: Music is something which comes from inside. One is normally born with it. That is true in my case. I was born music. Secondly, pain is one of the things that got my singing. ...
35. Princess Bridget : Debut Album Released!
... yet to transform her singing and dancing talents into something more serious. In 2009 Princess Bridget then started performing as opening act at the concerts of some popular artists like Longue Longue ...
... industrious Cameroonian-born civil society promoter and media development expert resident in South Africa, who holds a strong conviction that the act of giving or sharing is something worth propagating. ...
When TIPTOPSTARS talked to C-Boyz and the group’s manager sometime ago, they made a promise that the world would hear from them not long from then. Bonaventure Jr., 11, one of the band’s singers ...
... this? KKE: This is because until now, actors themselves have not been very organised. I believe when we are well organised and speak with one voice, our rights will be better protected against the sometimes ...
Being awarded is not a new thing to Missy BK. Her irresistible music has fetched her some prizes. But a recognition for something that does not have a direct (at least for now) link with singing ...
Awareness is good, but could be regretted sometimes. Occasionally, we have, for sure, told ourselves that we had better not seen, heard, known, taken part in, etc. Then, at this point, non-awareness becomes ...
Passion for something is one thing. Hard work is another. But skills in it must be present, if success is expected. The third of these options is a reality, when it comes to Missy BK. Her savoir faire ...
When the two singers who make up the Buea-based Rythmz band spoke to this writer on radio sometime ago, the duo was specific on one point – stepping up their game to reach the apex of the art the know ...
... she is now fond of conducting, is something too hard for anything to beat. She is just too passionately attached to covering events, trailing and talking to artists. This has necessitated the young art ...
... “I’ve visited WardRobe by MMPR and must confess that the store is bringing something new in the fashion milieu,” a Douala resident told our correspondent. “There is variety at WardRobe by MMPR and believe ...
... he questioned. And even when the name “constitution” is finally adopted, it is neither everyone who will be satisfied. To an extent, he said, “we are only playing with words and making something out of ...
... uncontrollable pleasure. This story talks of how Buea, Bamenda, Kumba, Limbe, Tiko, etc, have dramatically metamorphosized into citadels that harbour some of the country’s most spectacular boys and ...
... in her embryonic phase could extraordinarily be productive, is a something to write home about. From a smashing maiden single, Rastafari to a brilliant triple single outing is just an excellent score. ...
48. TTS Editors Pick : Melody - Me Woua
An audio is sometime not enough for viewers and fans to communicate with a song. A good video and choreographic capabilities helps drive home the message the artiste always tries to pass across TIPTOPSTARS ...
  An audio is sometime not enough for viewers and fans to communicate with a song. A good video and choreographic capabilities helps drive home the message the artiste always tries to pass across ...
I have always like her way and method of journalism. I will like my only sister to follow her ways and examples cheers ...
... support when you start showing something out there to people and bate you l will also be a participant.good look ...
Hello Siben, the mindset of the heart has never met the abilities of man but a dream well dream, well beleived, and deligently pursued can fetch quiet enough for man. Just keep it up. you already said ...
I'm quite glad cameroonians can put themselves togother and do something constructive.I only hope that u guys will not mix in francophoines because they will only come in to distroy all all your hard earned ...
i must say king aluan is very great and nice persen i met him at the hilton hotel in cameroon the young gay is very talented king aluan is my fevorite cameroonnian artist. ...
I watched her since back from her secondary scool days and I really can say she's improved tremendously. The last time I met her was while she was on a weeding in Bamenda and believe you me the hall trembled. ...
... do it his own way and now is time for critics, mind the way you criticise it. who says it was not a success should try something similar. Mr Chiatoh thanks for giving the industry a push and for pulling ...
57. Buea in the frame
Dear film makers in Cameroon, there is something which is important in showbiz that you lack and nomatter how many good films you produce without getting it, you will always make your products known within ...
Hey friend.I am also a Cameroonian and met you on net . I will love to do music but fanancial trauma will let me do that. I've got alot of talent in music and film writing and acting but bro believe me ...
trust me shes a good actress,she has met up with the challenges and is up to the brim ...
see eh! i no go stop for di tell people about this pleasant site . please the tiptopstar and it board of directors have done their part in fact their best but i think that is not all, there is something ...
Awesome!!!!! Proud of you guys! aaaat last Cameroon has something positive to show the world! ...
yeah men! do you people not see that we are going to be something in future in two years maximum to come. i have that confidence that we will make it come rain come shine . we have the talents , i am also ...
yes i know that it is K'mer again and i have no doubt that we a going up . actually there is something that even if it means that we should go on the street, we will do it . what is killing Cameroon promotion ...
YES, YES because yes comes behind your believe in what you can do , if you say you can then you can do it . i thank the tiptopstar for letting me know something about determination from Uche .i am proud ...
We cannot wait to see this talented guy release something! ...
Well, CEA is a good initiative and i thank those who even thought of such an idea. Cameroon is lagging behind in so many things. But what is disgusting is that when something starts, there are always loopholes ...
Sorry Anurin, it's my fault and not the writer of this article...I accept it. Once more sorry it's a mistake and everyone commits error sometimes in different aspects. I have sent the reply to your email ...
... next time you guys try to do something fair and straight to keep every one happy, only God knows how you drew your list list of winners., they had selfish reasons behind all these, they are looking for ...
... interested persons.If people back at home can do something of this magnitude of international recognition then why? ...
... propaganda abt the award one could hardly go a day without reading something abt CEA. Does it mean the organisers have accepted that it was a total sham? Why not quench the curiosity of some of us by publishing ...
... is the point, why then go ahead and name Agbor Gilbert after the show, one week after the event as best producer, and Neba Lawrence as best Director. Did they just realise that these guys have done something? ...
... gotta put our acts straight and be united cuz we are so divided !!!!! Maybelle and Etoke are very nice people, i have met them, if they do something wrong call it to them, they will listen ...
I attended ur show n kudos. Africans i've been around never support each other n as an american, i've met with this lady TT several times and applaud her for being humble and hardworking. The nigerian ...
wehe francophones are left out here.......i dont think they are even aware that something like this is going on. ah ah i though people's choice award was for Sama Ndango?? No?? people please power up for ...
Is really funny when say a thing like that. U are the one who needs from evil idea about CEA. All u do is talk, do something like CEA let us see. My friend go clean your shit stop all this ur bad bell ...
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  • Well, I think the CEA was a very shallow and misgu... More...
  • This is creativity we are talking about, this are ... More...
  • Lovelyn,your pre-selection criterias are ok but i'... More...
  • camhood 4 the better More...
  • fame is gd More...
  • cool girls dat was great but this year we the cons... More...