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... vital pieces in Eyum Anneh’s ongoing mission to use music as a medium to preserve and celebrate the unique cultural landscape of Manyu. With "Erome Mohwah - Moni-Nkim," music lovers are once again invited ...
In what USA-based Cameroonian lovers of Bakweri traditional music are already speculating as going to be preeminent, Mola Mongombe is set to perform in Columbus Ohio for the first time on Saturday, June ...
... and EVIL LIVES HERE 2 were going to be Korto Davis’ only works, then the film director would have obtained an exceeding score in her career. In the story, Korto cinematically plays with ingredients that ...
“Whenever they have their names on something, know it’s going to be exceptional, special, and ground-breaking.” Malvis Ann Mohvu said this of Proxy Buh Melvin aka Baba Prox and Enah Johnscott. ...
... to battle against this social ill, we bring you part 2 of out ongoing conversation on domestic violence. We have selected subject matter experts for this episode as seen on the flyer. APEX TALK will be ...
... affectionately calls Facebook Facey and WhatsApp Whassy. George did not wait to be called. He rang first. “What is going on with Facebook, and are you able to communicate on WhatsApp?” When this ...
... some point. Amongst the awards the movie, produced by Victor Viyouh won, were a good number of them, going to the lead actress Mbufung Seikeh. Seikeh, then a film scholar, had neither starred nor featured ...
... the business café was going on, Angela M was putting out a new track, mostly sung in Kikiyu. The Kenyan gospel musician presents UYU NI WENDO on the same show with Sierra Leone’s Hawanatu Koroma who ...
9. Poetry: Pray for me
Pray for me Drawn to evil I feel my shield going down My days have become dark and evil Not that I'm prone But I'll need more than my innocence to save me I'll need your prayer Pray for me not to fall, ...
There is an increasing number of humanitarian actions going on in Africa today. Scores of young Africans are making a meaning out of their talents and skills. The entertainment landscape in the continent ...
11. The grace in Gracee
... encounter in November 2013, between this writer and the now influential broadcaster, was revealing. It took the introductory lines of a conversation that was going to materialize, years later, in the most ...
... â€œAnd you won’t believe that I was a little nervous prior to going on set – that was my first experience,” the actor told us. “The director needed an elder brother for the character Annie, played ...
... and other scenes where activities are ongoing. COVID-19 emerged to stand on the way of this plan. However, she is glad about the final product which thanks to Rich Manga and her parents, was quickly crafted ...
... in John’s arms, portray an actress who gifted in surrendering herself to a lover she can trust anytime, any day. Cajoling acting! If SAVING MBANGO was going to be the only film in his career, then ...
Even the most lucid things have become incomprehensible. What's funny appears stupid and makes no sense. The acrimony we live at the immediate time culled - out of what is going on in our society leaves ...
... â€“ marital endurance and love. The couple was assured with all honesty that undesirable moments would characterize their matrimony. “That however doesn’t mean you are going to separate, rather, you ...
... been happier reporting on a next such project which I conjectured would come, if not yesterday, today or even tomorrow. But, that I was going to be weaving a piece of writing about my mentor, my dad ...
... had conjectured that Alexis E.’s humblest gift to his bride and guests to what turned out to be a classic wedding event, was going to be soul-searching music – the kind of works that have become the ...
... “But if the national president is going to reject that present statusquo, then he is by implication rejecting the whole notion of NAGCAM-USA and I’m not going to stand by that,” Don told TIPTOPSTARS. Updates ...
...  The young actor, known for his intellectual resourcefulness and interesting eloquence, has featured in eight movies so far. “With this background, I hope to pilot NAGCAM-USA to the apex, yet I’m going ...
21. Ifaanas' Jotter
... invitation before now? I really did not think we should go, but Rita insisted. I know Rita, she was not going to this wedding because she really cared about Etchu. She just wanted a forum where she ...
... Cameroonian painter insists that her works are aimed at showcasing African cultures wherever she and the paintings go. She finds beauty in the woman carrying her child on her back and going her way, just ...
... of the United States approving the project and saying that I was going to have Malia as the project partner since she had expressed similar desires,” Emade told us. She added: “Since then, Malia and I ...
... recently, the Limbe-based actress conclusively described some actors as great talents of her time. Specifically assessing Ade Kelly, her co-actress in Bad Angel (TV series currently going on CRTV), ...
... acting and admirers of actors envied their next door counterparts perhaps for one reasonable reason – they had the acting endowment, yet had no platform. So, how were they going emerge from the oblivion ...
... known to show to their spouses and offspring. That a woman engages in socio-economic activities is normal, but when Naomi is specific on her protagonist going to the farm and cultivating ‘njama njama’ ...
... as rich and enviable as the ones their predecessors had had? How were they going to engage smooth rides that would ferry them to resounding successes when the forefathers who could facilitate the job for ...
28. Call her Leonette ! A new star is born
... you today? LA: I’m alright, we thank God! IQ: How is your music doing? LA: As you can see, it’s going places – hahahaha! IO: No doubts about that, kudos! LA: Thanks! IQ: Now, tell us, what ...
... and Marie Ndapqwe, manager-mum, went further to indicate that the next single was going to make much musical sense, both in its technical quality and artistic (lyrics) showdown. They were not only certain ...
... going to pick out few actors and propel them to great recognition. Years later, there has been a proliferation of actors on the A- list and some of those producers who envisaged for this project are almost ...
... if there wasn’t a license issue, they were still going to stop the event from taking place because of the huge crowd which the hall could not accommodate,” B1 said. “So, we just have to forget about the ...
... and the support I’m going to get from the NAGCAM-USA, will be enough to inspire me,” said the actress with a huge film count to her credit. Taka told us that the script is well crafted to suit the context ...
... can count on us for that,” the actor with 50 plus movies to his credit explained further. Does that mean you’re going to bid farewell to movie acting, we inquired. “No, not at all - acting is part of ...
... of her love for humanity and desire to put a smile on the face of the less privileged, was going to transport salient signals to the rest of the world. Naturally, it caught the attention of organizers ...
... the safest state. The ongoing loud cry that the standards of makossa (Cameroon’s identity genre) have drastically dropped has been such a hard pill to swallow to people of the brand’s blooming generation ...
... actors are placed side-by-side with their counterparts of other countries in every production. Equality in every aspect is what we yearn for and I’m going to table my ideas for the entire house to look ...
... of Actors’ Guild of Cameroon – USA are gearing towards having new leaders. “Preparing is going on smoothly. I have noticed a lot of enthusiasm amongst members,” Mat Atugon, current acting President of ...
... at portraying the strength love can exerts on humanity, especially at a time the world is going through avoidable crisis, some of which are a result of the lack of this much-needed value. Produced by ...
... to take me to Upper Bafut and back - ‘na cry this?’. I cried because I wasn’t going to have the kind of satisfaction Youth Day was known to provide. The practice of saving money in view of the Youth Day ...
... made Love With You that musical piece you would waste no time in falling in love with. “I guessed correctly that Nick Mayor’s next release was going to be smashing,” a fan of the young singer whispered ...
... to rail into modernity. If many more young Cameroonian women are going to adopt, express and follow up this vision, just like the Bold and Beautiful Camer Ladies have done, then, there is the likelihood ...
... is already a great distance covered in the rest of business they are set to do with whoever their client is going to be. This is how ModeMaison PR thinks. If everyone was going to be PR in whatever ...
... it clear. But, if CFI wants to call it a production code with aspects of both documents in it, the filmmaker told us, the organization could go ahead and do that. “Is that however going to please everyone?” ...
... of months in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. It has fast turned into a global crisis with the Ebola scare having a very strong grip on the world. Efforts to combat it are ongoing.  ...
... current Miss Cameroon, Larissa Ngangoum. The maiden Cameroonian Bloggers’ Hangout took place in June of this year and according to the idea’s initiator, it is going to be a regular rendezvous. “With ...
... will serve as a forum to provide co-creationplatforms, that seek to contribute to novel knowledge share, organizers say. “It is going to be a premium seminar where a collective culture of doing things ...
... I’m an entertainer. Other comedians do release their songs, although not as good as mine – hahahahahaha! And the song is not going to be “stupid” as some will think. EK: Are you sure you will be taken ...
... some reason(s), the old order has been fading and seemingly doing so at a faster pace. English-speaking Cameroonian parents and the community at large have been going through an exciting mentality reformation ...
... what is going to keep viewers clued to their TV set and as the author remarked to TIPTOPSTARS, it is not a movie that can only be watched once. “Viewers will be caught watching it over and over,” Desarray ...
... high God and with Him, we keep going higher.                                               ...
hello people. it has been wonderful seeing our Guys going further everyday and when i saw Neba on Africa Magic the other day,I was charmed.I quickly went through all my scripts that I have stucked up somewhere ...
52. Buea in the frame
... sell your movies .Anybody who wants to rent a Cameroonian movie should register in the movie rental members under the marketers' guild which is going to cost much than buying and so the rate of buying ...
Thank you so so much TTS! You sure ROCK!! Keep it going and let's make CAMER proud!!! ONE LOVE XXXXX ...
hi big awesome, like the discussion we have, ur success is define by u n u alone but not only for urself but for GOD. cos i believe where we are going as a family is not about us but what God wants to ...
Tommy, I am highly impressed with your determination and focused in the overall issues of life.Your accuracy and simplicity in responding to questions is second to none. I see you going far beyond measure ...
... trust in this industry to come in and join us to make things happen. I think Penjo personally is ready to work, and if there is no money to keep things going, things will always sleep, and we are doing ...
We love u all and believe that u are going to grap that award to make us proud so we will continue voting for u take care that award is urs and u deserve it. ...
my name is manyi Mineva.i am a Cameroonian by birth.i live in sopo bea.i am a holder of advanced level certificate.I am 21 years old. I wish to apply in your movie industry as an actress. i am going to ...
... creative & innovative. Like Isaac in Gerar, who obeyed God & sowed in the land of famine, Iam certain that having taken a leap on your faith, doing what you do, you all are going to reap a bountiful harvest, ...
... we going to vote? ...
yeah men! do you people not see that we are going to be something in future in two years maximum to come. i have that confidence that we will make it come rain come shine . we have the talents , i am also ...
... Group will let me have direct access to you. I am going now to your site and i will contact you from there. Please lets work together and make great things. Your article is inspiring and i have learnt ...
yes i know that it is K'mer again and i have no doubt that we a going up . actually there is something that even if it means that we should go on the street, we will do it . what is killing Cameroon promotion ...
i am so going to be at premiere in the US....CAMEROONIANS rock...big time ...
wow am so proud of u guys.ur doing a great work.this is so amazing..u guys kip going heaven is ur limit.holla to ma classmate Kang Quintus ...
... people going in with a group invitation letter? group invitation letter backed by WHO? for your information i have been out of the country countless times and all i wish to good for my country and not ...
wehe francophones are left out here.......i dont think they are even aware that something like this is going on. ah ah i though people's choice award was for Sama Ndango?? No?? people please power up for ...
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  • Well, I think the CEA was a very shallow and misgu... More...
  • This is creativity we are talking about, this are ... More...
  • Lovelyn,your pre-selection criterias are ok but i'... More...
  • camhood 4 the better More...
  • fame is gd More...
  • cool girls dat was great but this year we the cons... More...