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1. Rainbow
... the soul of the universe She is the perfect imperfect perfection What is perfection if not her She is the art in the heart of earth She dies to live, and lives to die She's the bearer of her bloodline ...
2. Under the moon light
... dance of rebirth Freedom Reminding me of my power My sacredness My nakedness My wombness I am the reincarnated bloodline of the water tribe The purest there is Born of chaos I am transmuted into gold Born ...
... actors in a Performing Arts and Cinematography program in the university, acting runs in the blood. That is the case with Lilian Mbeng Nkemasong, now the famous Caro of Capees Comedy World. It took the ...
4. Gold on Dust
... blood spilled Lives lost are not forgotten They mourn to their loss With their restless soul stuck to you Neither has rest You go by many colours Different shapes and sizes Many names But you'll ...
... by my younger sister, Mayohchu. Atem-Ebai. He spoke to my parents about it and they asked if I was interested,” Fritz explained how he got on AGTTD. “I readily accepted and that’s how me and my blood ...
... in an earlier report, Terence N. Limona, elected unopposed to the post of NAGCAM-USA president, is film syndicate by blood and bone. He has traversed every moment, thick and thin, within the organization ...
... wild flames with a terrifying sound of gunshots which is an indication that story the video is about to tell is clearly not a pleasant one. Rather, expect some hard facts! Then, as the blood-stained foot ...
... gospel singer is a choreography par excellence. “It runs in the blood,” he recently joked when this reporter sought to know if Charlo Magique could still perform the art of dancing as he used to. Those ...
... held Cameroon spellbound, just like The Blues Kingdom in 2007 by the same producer. Other Cameroon-Nigeria joint-cast productions have been Land of Shadows, Blood and Wine, Pink Poison, Far, Decoded, Royal ...
... that blood sisters, born of African parents, custodians of virtuous values, would quickly get fed up with each other and opt to part ways, upon the demise of the former. Rhetoric! Scores of other vices ...
... seal that bond with the blood of Jesus.” These reactions and more had quite much to do with unity which according to CFI-USA members who attended the Washington come-together, was the biggest catch the ...
Preparations are underway for an action-packed movie that will be starring amongst others Cameroonian-born Aurelien Henri Obama. Blood Brothers will be shot in Botswana (for the African scenes) and Los ...
... their presence at the June 13 event. It should be noted that Maybelle has performed at other high profile events. Just two weeks ago, the author of I’m Covered By The Blood of Jesus (Maybelle’s latest ...
... you are if you work hard. That’s the morale of the story. ALENNE THE WRITER EK: Tell us about your writing skills AM: Writing is part of my talent. The truth is that you cannot be the true blood ...
... development of this genre is by producing action films. One of such films is about to be made. Le Lien Du Sang, literally translated into English as Blood Link will be shot from August to October this ...
... after When the Heart Says Yes in 2009 and In It Together in 2011. He had earlier, in 1990, produced Blood Disorder Not Disease, a docudrama that won a World Health Organization, WHO award during the first ...
... video, now hitting the headlines especially on social media. Still expressing uncontrollable excitement, another admirer of Covered By The Blood, the said track, commented in simple terms: “You made my ...
... you’ve featured in this far? TT: Registered Nurse, American Visa, Freedom At 18, Step Mother, Taxi Driver, Drama Queen, Jealous Wives, American Marriage, Sister-in-Law, My Own Blood, African Man, Faithfulness. ...
When TIPTOPSTARS got Neba Lawrence on the line to Yaounde early Monday, the now celebrated Cameroonian film director was on his way to Asaba, Nigeria where editing of Blood or Wine, a Jim Iyke produced ...
... reporter Nana Walter Wilson. Excerpts: Why are you in Cameroon? I am to make a movie called Blood or Wine. It has a background in Cameroon, of a young couple who are tired of their marriage. Just ...
21. Wash waxes on!
... Wash tells the story of a young boy who hesitates to go home after his school closes down for the term because he has failed his exams. His father’s eminent violent reaction when he presents his bloodily ...
... (Anglophones). To please God, not man, they would rather seal an everlasting bond and stay as one. Other tracks in the album include, Covered By The Blood, Jesus is My Life, Hosanna and God is Good. ...
... but one way to stop the bloodshed and one way to gain freedom. The sprawling fortress, the fist of Gaddafi, the Katiba must fall... 6:15 PM – 6:45 PM Discussion Session 6:45 PM – 8:30 PM The Big ...
... their works at a grass root level to build community involvement and participation. As we sing the songs of victory, leadership flows through our blood streams, life becomes exciting and we aim ...
... be a fashion freak!  What's your personal style and what /who are some of your favorite  Cameroon brands/ designers? [NN] Ha ha! I’d say fashion is in my blood. I’m a bit of a style chameleon ...
...        FUN BOX   What are your greatest fears /weaknesses? My salvation My life is covered by the blood in Jesus’ name…amen! My talents makes me remain focused My ...
hello sis, what a lovely job ur doing my dear.i know u've beenthrough difficult moments in life n u also know how u've always found ur way to d top of it all .so my lovely blood keep it up n let ur secret ...
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