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“Preparing our kids for tomorrow is non-negotiable” - Miranda Oben, organizer Essen kids’ conference
News / Latest / By Ernest Kanjo & Marcel Adig
Thursday, 10 July 2014 17:28

miranda  Oben Tiptopstars

In a contemporary context of growing challenges, the need to be educated and soundly too, is every parent’s utmost wish for their child/children. African parents have particularly given this option a serious consideration. Reason – they hail from a background of negative perceptions that have been stumbling blocks to their ascension on the social ladder. Also, living in the diaspora as migrants does not make things really palatable. That their children should face similar ordeals now seems to be the last thing that props on their minds. Rather, these kids should defy the odds, emerge, stand out and reap from the best sources. Empowering them is therefore the only means to achieve this. To parents of Cameroonian kids living in Germany, such empowerment can only begin from the greatest source of power – education. How apt and refined their kids would be for the job market tomorrow depends on how convenient and good the educational system today is. It is to tune this system to suit the future challenges these children are going to face that has motivated Miranda Oben (a Cameroonian wife, mother and Software Engineer who lives and works in Germany) to initiate a children’s conference. The one-day conference that takes place this Saturday, July 12, 2014 will be chaired by the Cameroonian Ambassador to Germany, H.E Jean Marc Mpay. Miranda (fondly called Mira) who is also editor of the SG Panorama magazine and a highly reputed multi-lingual moderator, recently voted on the list of the most 100 most influential

Africans in Germany spoke with TIPTOPSTARS and Afrikka Radio’s African Cocktail. In the following interview, the young Cameroonian who plays a major role in the Germano-Cameroonian relations expressed her wish to see migrant kids swim in the sea of success to inspire others. Excerpts!
Ernest Kanjo (EK): You will be organizing a pioneer event dubbed Our Kids and Their Future on July the 12th. First, who are you referring to as our kids – all kids or only African kids living in Germany?
Miranda Oben (MO): All kids with a migrant background, growing up with two to three different cultures to grapple with. Our son for instance is two-and-the-half, my husband and I look at him as parents and pray for a bright for future for him every day. Preparing him for that future we yearn for is primordial. The renowned advice columnist Ann Landers said that it’s not what you do for your children, but what you’ve taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings. That’s what we’re looking for.
EK: How does the said school system in Germany look like and what is lacking in it which you think must be added to ensure a satisfactory education for the kids?

MO: I wouldn’t really say lacking. It’s more about understanding the structure of the school system. Let me to throw more light on this. The structure of the German school system follows three main tracks for students – apprenticeship, call it Berufschule which prepares them for blue collar jobs – the Realschule which nurtures students for white collar or salaried employment and the Gymnasium which is followed by university studies and professional employment. In general, the German education system is well set up to offer a highly trained and qualified workforce for its graduates. Berufschule students benefit from very practical hands-on education where they are trained by master craftsmen in his field. Students who are weak in academics but have skills in other areas can thus learn a trade. Realschule students are prepared for white collar or salaried employment such as the Kaufman and Kauffrau referring to male and female salespersons respectively. These students complete the tenth grade, can work in the public service at the secretarial or executive level. The Gymnasium offers a professional track for its students who go on to become engineers, pilots, dentists, etc. Students graduate with the Abitur which is an equivalent of the Advanced levels, then go on to the university. The main advantage is that the school system is well-structured and you are trained according to our abilities. The disadvantage I see though is that it is too rigid. So we have invited experts to talk about this and answer questions from parents on Saturday.

EK: How has the system affected African children in Germany adversely?
MO: Some parents in the past didn’t know about the structure, so they had their kids sent to Realschule and later realized they couldn’t carry on into university. Some parents lost the battle of having their kids sent to a gymnasium and were forced to send them back home in Africa for Secondary and high school education. Of course this is not an easy decision for the parents and the children. In Germany, the school authorities actually pre-select and the children to go to Realschule, even if the parents think otherwise. Sadly enough I gather the coincidental, to put it this way, selection of African kids, follows this fate. So, this Saturday, we will be having three experts in the German educational system highlight parents on this. They will also be looking at the best ways to fight, if I must put it this way, the system thus ensuring a bright future for their children. 

EK: What exactly is the July 12 event going to be exhibiting?
MO: The programme includes alumni associations like LES Germany, SHESA Germany, university groups such as CAMSU, Groups of Cameroonian Engineers in Germany, the VKII and of course the Cameroonian Embassy of Berlin. Amongst other things, we will have a panel discussion with six teenagers and H.E. Jean-Marc Mpay, the Cameroonian Ambassador to Germany, discussing the challenges, opportunities for first generation migrant children in Germany. We will also have a detailed presentation of the structure of the school system in Germany with parents sharing their personal experiences encountered with the system. We will also be listening to parents who have sent their children to school in Cameroon. We shall have an open session with the Ambassador on the much-debated issue of dual nationality and how it can affect the future of our kids. The event ends with a certificate award to participating children. The certificates are signed by Dr Stefan Liebing, President of the Afrika Verein that represents 54 African countries, Ambassador Mpay and my humble self as initiator of the event. The certificates should serve as future reference for the kids.

EK: What is the role of the Cameroonian diplomatic mission in this genuine course you are putting up?

MO:Every father should know what is going on in his home. We refer to the ambassador here as Papa and this alone inspires him to play his role as a father. Fortunately, H.E. Jean Marc Mpay has always loved to connect with the younger generation.. He also represents the diplomatic corps which believes in giving our kids a very solid foundation and drawing them closer to our culture. Interestingly, the vision of this pioneer event and this children’s conference was born during an interview I carried out with the ambassador in Berlin at the end of March. In my hobby as a moderator, the question about our migrant kids’ future has been recurrent in interviews; so in this said interview, I sought to know if he or the Cameroonian Embassy would support such a vision and his reaction was affirmative. He describes the vision as innovative, very promising and one that should be supported by parents and future parents.

EK: Under the banner of what organization are you doing the event?

MO: No specific organization per say. I believe the vision came from God. I’m simply following it. By promoting migrant children’s participation in this society, encouraging and supporting them to play a strong role in a community in which they face a lot of challenges due to their cultural background and origin is very important. Through African role models in the community, this should help them and thus build a more self-confident generation of migrant kids with the involvement of their parents. We should listen to these kids and most also to teenagers, inspire and encourage them to believe in themselves and their capabilities. I’m humbled and grateful to the organizations that have believed in, embraced and joined this vision. We will be coming together on Saturday to make this whole idea a huge success. It is important to mention that I got a lot of help in the organization of this event from the African Ivory founder Mukete Delphine. I’m also glad to state that we will round up the July 12 event with an official inauguration of the new African Ivory Foundation center in Essen.

EK: What changes are you expecting to see in the German school system after this event and what capacity do you have to ensure implementation of the decision you’ll arrive at?

MO:No changes on the system for now, but we expect to create awareness in parents and children. We do have the capacity and things will fall into place when statistics show positive stories about the performance of migrant kids is repeatedly spread. Chimamanda warns against the dangers of a single story. Migrants, especially Cameroonians are very bright people academically. Many of us out here are engineers, pilots and what have you. I need our children to be convinced of their capabilities early enough so society can’t derail them and their plans. Franklin Roosevelt said we may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future. So, preparing our kids for tomorrow is non-negotiable.

EK: What do you expect from the general public vis-à-vis this event?
MO:Attendance! Come with the understanding the purpose in the vision. The general public sure has many other perspectives to all this, so together with our diversified ideas we can give our children a strong self-confidence they need as migrants. Bring your children to the Adelkampstr. 61 in 45147 Essen from 2pm to 9pm. Let the kids start actively thinking and taking part in panel discussions and conferences about them. Don’t only talk about them but talk to, I emphasize to them and listen too. They have very good ideas. It is not only about what you can gain in this event but also what you can give to others. I repeatedly say together, we can achieve a lot. In Swahili we say umoja ni nguvu. I listened to the Prince Nico song you played at the start of African Cocktail with unity as central theme and was moved. If each person could inspire the next to be the best he can, we’d sure be great. You can be the change you want to see in your community. So please note that wherever you are, you can be an inspiration.

Ek: Thanks for talking to us Miranda!
MO: My pleasure Ernest, thanks so much for having me.!

Last Updated on Friday, 11 July 2014 00:37
New: Missy ft Annie Anzouer remix video out today
News / Latest / Ernest Kanjo
Tuesday, 24 June 2014 01:27

missbk tts

If My Baby was going to be the only track Missy BK ever did, the young but talented RnB singer would sit back, relax and say she made it. Since January this year, the single was officially made public; it has held its audience spellbound with a rewarding stream of positive remarks that have not stopped flowing in. My Baby is, to simply put it, smashing! Any reasonable music lover would bet on that. Missy herself would do, certainly!

Convincingly, it is this close attachment to the track that has motivated the Montreal, Canada-based artist to brandish it further. After several weeks rebranding, Missy BK is out from the studio with a remix of My Baby. “It’s been sleepless nights trying to put this remix together and hoping to make it really palatable,” the singer told TIPTOPSTARS.

In giving the pudding a new taste, Missy BK invited the legendary Annie Anzouer, from the makossa dissents. A mention of this Cameroonian music icon already describes how such a remix would sound – a brilliant mélange of two golden voices that provides an irresistible coloration consumers of My Baby Remix would fall for.

The video has thus been made public today, bringing to a halt long days of waiting that kept raising listener appetite in Africa and in the diaspora. As usual, the Canada-based music heroine is expected to hit the media platform as she is well noted for, to provide more information on the video, its making, the Annie Anzouer touch/feeling and lots more.

It should be recalled that award-winning (2013 Horizon Nord Sud, HNSS Excellence Awards best artist) Missy BK is an up-and-coming Cameroonian contemporary musician who hit the rails in 2012 and has easily won great admiration. Amongst her fascinating tracks are Mama, I Love You and Set Me Free. Only this year, she has had a series of live performances.

Meantime, Missy BK will be one of the guests-at-large in the Wednesday, July 2 edition of Afrikka Radio’s (www.afrikkaradio.com) African Cocktail with Ernest Kanjo.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 June 2014 13:43
World Cup 2014: TIPTOPSTARS Fan Photo Contest
News / Latest / TTS
Wednesday, 18 June 2014 06:44

postfanTIPTOPSTARS, in its interaction policy, has launched a brief World Cup fever contest for readers/visitors and lovers of football. Inspired by the current wave of fanatic support for the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon, one of Africa’s flag bearers to this year’s edition of the tournament, the popular entertainment site wants to pick out the most captivating fan photo. This photo will be displayed on the site with its author rewarded with a 10,000FCFA airtime sent to their phone. The beneficiary must be owner of a Cameroonian telephone number even if he winner lives abroad.

A post to that effect will be put on the TIPTOPSTARS Facebook fan page. In reply to it, contestants shall first of all LIKE the page, then submit a captivating Indomitable Lions fan photo. The photo that gets the greatest number of LIKES at the end of the week is declared victorious. A profile of the winner shall also published on TIPTOPSTARS.


o   Every week provides a new chance for winning

o   Fan photos must be submitted in the reply box of the week’s banner on the TIPTOPSTARS Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/TIPTOPSTARS/118024021565491

o   The succeeding banner will carry the “most-liked” photo of the previous week

o   Each competition runs from Monday to Saturday throughout the world cup period

Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 June 2014 06:56
Cameroonian online reporting setbacks: Bloggers to chart way forward
News / Latest / Ernest Kanjo & JJ Nshom
Tuesday, 10 June 2014 16:10


Online reporting has developed so rapidly and impressively to a point where it seems the traditional media (radio, television, newspaper) all find themselves in the former’s waiting room. This means whatever happens on radio, television and newspaper gain more prominence through online benediction. As if that were not enough, bigger stories emanate more from the World Wide Web before hitting air space and hard copy columns. Conclusion – online medium is irresistibly powerful! Some observers have dared to say it is arguably indispensable.

Cameroon, just like other African countries is not left behind. It is fully part of this new media dispensation that has swept the world like no other thing ever did. In recent years, traditional media journalists have found additional space for their works online just like hard copy newspaper organizations and even broadcasting outfits have introduced online versions of their publications. Individual bloggers have sprung, not only writing personal experiences or commenting on society issues, but reporting news as well.

Today, Cameroon fields in countless online publications (blogs, websites…) and this new movement, there is no doubt, will keep expanding. Perhaps, because of the nature of the domain, entertainment sites/magazines seem to be more prominent online. Scores of them have become really authoritative and now pull adequate weight in the country’s media landscape.

Yet, the sector still seems to be marred by certain issues including unprofessionalism, uncontrollable content, doubtful content veracity, near lack of regulation and most important the lack of a synergy amongst the various publications. Examples abound. To bloggers, there is urgent need for some of these issues, if not all at a blow, to be addressed.

It is in a bid to chart a way forward that FabAfrique Magazine, one of Cameroon’s leading entertainment publications is pulling bloggers together in Douala. A hang-out to deliberate on these issues and more has been scheduled for June 14, 2014 at the White House Restaurant situated at the Bonapriso neighbourhood in Douala. “We want bloggers to discuss the possibility of working in synergies, after all we are all contributing to the growth of our country which means our goals are the same,” Adeline Sede Kamga, the publisher of FabAfrique Magazine told TIPTOPSTARS on the line to Douala.

According to the organizers, the Douala forum will also be an opportunity for bloggers to interact, share experience, ideas and information and source for partnerships that could promote business and growth. Keynote speakers will however be looking into the problems facing the sector.

TIPTOPSTARS will carry the Live feeds from this hang-out  Session on www.tiptopstars.com

Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 June 2014 16:37
One Day single: Afro beat singer champions hope course
News / Latest / Titus Banyoh
Tuesday, 10 June 2014 15:07

nabil poseThe French would describe him as ‘artiste engage’ (committed artist). Nabstar is unarguably one! He definitely would not sing, if music were just to be for the sake of it. To the young Cameroonian-born Belgium-based singer, music means message. One of such messages Nabstar holds tight to his heart is hope. In the present context of social vices such as poverty, disease and political instability in certain parts of Africa, Nabstar believes nothing can be so instrumental like hope.

It is this optimistic that Nabil4Real, as the artist is also fondly called, is transferring to his audience in One Day, a single which has had a firm grip since it first went public on May 24 in Belgium and later June 5 in Cameroon.We all have dreams for better days. However, we cannot afford to let such dreams thwarted by despair. We therefore have to be determined, reassuring and keep believing that one day, these dreams shall come true,” Nabil told Batimu FM (www.batimufm.com) in a recent interview.

As part of this drive for a hopeful tomorrow, Nabstar concurrently runs a social media network campaign, One Day in which citizens conjecture brighter days with a sign of a finger that is pointed in the sky. So far, the One Day campaign has counted more than a thousand posts on social network, a sign that many people are adhering to it.

Meanwhile, One Day as a track, is one of several other songs that are being knitted into a full album which will be released soon, the singer told us. It is an amazing infusion of Rock, Hip-Hop, Afro beat and House which portrays the ideology of unity and universal peace. This ideology is the key to the One Day Movement (to which Nabstar is attached), a foundation that has pledged to release music singles every six months with collaboration of various Cameroonian as well as African artists.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 June 2014 10:07
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