The pleasure in Great Pain Print
Ernest Kanjo / Friday, 02 April 2010 03:10

good1One hundred and thirty minutes may turn out to be too short when you finally watch Great Pain. Then, you would definitely wish te film were extended. This is because the movie is in simple terms, interesting. It is properly packaged piece of home video any movie lover would love to watch again and again.

Produced by Valentine Achu and his Bamenda-based Star Track production company, Great Pain is undergoing post-production. "We're about rounding off," the producer told me. And added, "It will be released and launched in Yaounde and Bamenda in April."

Achu told it's taken them some time to package the movie because they wanted quality work. He is satisfied and believes Cameroon, Africa and the rest of the world would appreciate Great Pain.

Great Pain is directed by Neba Lawrence, featuring Yimbu Emmanuel, Solange Yijika, Muma Pascal aka Bob, Chiatoh Collins, Ngongang Janvier, Agbor Magdaleine and Titih Charles. It is shot on locations in Bamenda.

It should be noted that Achu Valentine is the brother of Thomas Achu Belton of blessed memory. Belton is one of the biggest brains Cameroon has had as far as filmmaking is concerned. He is always referred to by rising actists and technicians. In 2008, he was post-humously crowned by ACE AWARDS. Young Valentine is relentlessly working to keep the Belton Empire alive. Great Pain could just be one of the ways to do that.