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...  JZyNo boasts a repertoire of hit singles and collaborations, including "Finally" from his EP "Liberian Boy," "All You Want" from his debut EP "Brown Sugar," "Kpan kpan Me" featuring Tedderide from Liberia, ...
... fillers such as ice, frozen yogurt, added sugar or artificial preservatives, giving the purest taste possible, says the management. Vitality Bowls, also categorized as a café, is a restaurant that is ...
... April of 2016. The award-winning Naomi Achu was propelled to prominence in 2011 when she released Alhadji. She has had other mouth-watering Singles including Suga and It’s My Life, etc. She is currently ...
... scores of other Cameroonian contemporary music lovers are receiving the announcement of Daphne’s maiden album with sugary hearts, at a time the singer has won admiration with a fan base that grows geometrically. ...
... yoghourt, sugar cane , krukru, adakwa, above all eat bread and sardines. It was on this rare occasion that some of us ate bread and sardines. You were a ’tif pikin’ (thief) if you ate it on an ordinary ...
... musician and one of Cameroon’s leading contemporary artists who are contributing enormously to make the sector tick. Other popular singles she has dropped previously include Suga, Alhadji, etc. To throw ...
... In a recent conversation with us, Le Sugar Boy, as Frank is affectionately called among his peers, explains his love for makossa and his career. This multi-skilled, bilingual Cameroonian who has a nose ...
... explained that she hopes It’s My Life will circulate beyond Africa. “This is more so because I exceptionally worked hard this time,” she said. According to the author of Suga (Naomi’s previous single ...
... author of Suga, Naomi’s latest hit tract simply saluted Akinwande’s efforts. “Ashia to my man,” she simply told the day’s groom. Also clad in North West traditional regalia, the black wedding coordinator, ...
... for Suga, one of Naomi’s hit tracks saw the light of day from Washington DC on Wednesday February 27 and has now spread across social media. For sure, it is a professionally crafted piece of audio-visual ...
11. Naomi Achu-Suga
... These videos undoubtedly have kept the world on its feet and forced music fans to talk and continue talking about them. They are compelling! Here we go!!  Naomi Achu-Suga  ...
... with the long-time heroes and heroines of rap.” Just like Sharon, several other Naomi fans are excited about the release of her latest single – Wa Fun Mi Suga. Wa Fun Mi Suga (meaning Come and Give Me ...
... jazz and blues typical of the Americans and visited an old sugar plantation where slaves from Africa used to work. TTS: What are the differences you make between life out there and Cameroon? And what ...
... TV show is….. Csi Miami, criminal minds, Lie to me, Sunday´s Best My favourite Movies is ……For Colored Girls, Brown Sugar My favourite Music/ Band is ……Jill Scott My  slogan is – Never give ...
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