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... way of painting a veritable picture of modern-day communication where nothing seems to be hidden under the sun. Even when Vera’s recording is deleted, it has been backed up somewhere. Communication tech ...
... bright painting of her beloved continent, just at a time JUST LIKE YOU is putting smiles of the faces of young girls in and around Buea. JLU’s founder, Lizzie Bronte explains the mission of the organization ...
Shiri Achu has built a reputation in painting. Her brush is painting the Coronavirus pandemic in the most amazing way. Shiri presents post cards on COVID-19 through which she urges people to keep ...
Shiri Achu is without any doubt one of the most prolific African fine artists of modern times. No sooner she closes up a chapter in her painting career, than she opens a new one. And for one thing, ...
In painting the face of her life, Enoh Koree would definitely spend a little more time mixing the colours that would best go for her first four weeks as brand ambassador for Apex 1 Radio. It was a baptism ...
Sienna, Chloe and Ethan are three middle-aged Australians whose knack for paintings, they say, is unquantifiable. The trio has particular interest in paintings that depict Africa, a continent they have ...
... have run her fine art brush across this great city, painting the beauty of life as she knows best. For the first time, the venerated painter whose artistic attitude of rubbing cities with the brightest ...
... career opportunities to young persons who unfortunately don’t have the means to explore their talents. “Syndy and I are looking at acting, singing, fashion designing, painting and handicraft,” America’s ...
... development. We are even more pleased when these young and dynamic people show proof of a sound academic backing. This helps us defend our thesis that music/movies/fashion designing/modeling/painting, ...
  That Shiri Achu is gifted in translating daily life into meaningful painting is no doubt is a perfect reality! Her paintings may not be like the sound-producing guitars, pianos, saxophones, trumpets, ...
It is a little rare for young English-speaking Cameroon musicians to get so deep into painting their country’s political landscape. Most of them would rather duel on softer themes and even if they ...
... will show up. Fine arts practitioners will surely rain emotions across visitors to their installations, when they exhibit paintings which will certainly put Mama Africa as topmost celebrant. At the same ...
... plastic artist is himself a trademark of the painting he had from childhood jealously shared an unconditional love with. When Nanje sweeps his brush across the board, his fingers speak volumes of meaningful ...
14. The singing side of Linda Bonglack
... premieres, book launches, fashion shows, painting exhibitions, handicraft fairs and what have you. EK: Who is your role model in music? LB: It will have to be Beyonce. Her voice is phenomenal, and she's ...
... I am specialized in are editing, color grading, VFX, Matte Painting, Rot scoping and I’m fast becoming confident in sound mixing and editing. EK: How long have you been a film editor? AB: I have been ...
... I help participations to a social welfare club of children from poor and dangerous zones called favelas or perriferias (NGO JAMAC) we give free classes of english language,acting and digital cinema,paintings ...
... doing out there ? [CA] Running great businesses from restaurants to event planning to fashion designing, music production, media publishing to talents making a mark within modelling, painting, music ...
... virtually all that one can imagine about Africa's incomparable cultural heritage. Through the stands, excellent pieces of stone, wood and iron sculpture and exciting paintings told the story of African ...
... festival billed for Yaounde in December. The festival, dubbed URBAN-MANIA will bring together artists in domains such music, dancing, craft work, painting, modelling, fashion designing, video arts photography, ...
Peace Offering was my debut I've made up countless artists, including Nollywood stars I'm a good actor too I started dancing way back in primary school My paintings attract attention ...
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  • Well, I think the CEA was a very shallow and misgu... More...
  • This is creativity we are talking about, this are ... More...
  • Lovelyn,your pre-selection criterias are ok but i'... More...
  • camhood 4 the better More...
  • fame is gd More...
  • cool girls dat was great but this year we the cons... More...