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... BEGi) weighs in enormous impact when she speaks publicly or educates by way of inspirational jottings. She has authored works, trained, hosted TV shows, emceed high profile events, yet, Blessing believes ...
When you educate a man, you have educated an individual, but when you educate a woman,  you have done so for an entire nation, so goes an old adage. When a musician held that the woman is the mother ...
... In the scenes where John interacts with his friends who attend university, the writer is using English to symbolize the western/formal educated class. When the former’s friends Epie (Raph), Joe (Esistern) ...
... educate, to bring out the plight of the poor and the marginalized in the national mainstream, to keep watch over the powerful and the influential, and to deepen democratic culture, among many other.  ...
... Yefon Mainsah, the BBCL was created to act as a forum where members could share ideas and experiences, educate and learn, plan and organize, then evaluate and project. “With these inputs, it’s clear the ...
... mentioned. Though the social critic’s denounces (or rebukes as she herself would put it), Honorine Express educates, informs, lauds, pays tribute, encourages and most important, plays a vitally acclaimed ...
... of whom were educated under strict British school system – the “Standard” days) believed strongly in formal education. Their children had to attend regular schools (from elementary through secondary and ...
... towards the development of Cameroon if their children are well educated. Proper education comes along with the means – financial, material and human resource. Such means are not always easy to come by. ...
In a contemporary context of growing challenges, the need to be educated and soundly too, is every parent’s utmost wish for their child/children. African parents have particularly given this option ...
... music to encourage the world to not relent in our efforts to “calling all the leaders to #BringBackOurGirls We cannot sit back and let “Les Filles Africaines, …Belles Filles, aspiring, educated…” get ...
... himself from irresponsible lyrics. To Don Tom, one does not make a song a hit by introducing obnoxious language in it. Music is meant to educate, influence and impact on people positively and so vulgar ...
... been educated on how nomination for movies runs. A movie that has not been officially released can be nominated and or subsequently awarded. It is simple. A serious recognition platform requires a production ...
... struggling to get educated, I stand firm on the premise that every child in Africa and the world over has the right to education for, education is the key to success. I actually laud Thecla’s efforts in ...
... newlywed lady (Bende Sende) is living under tortuous conditions from her husband, a proud movie director (Jeffery Epule). Though soundly educated, she cannot find a job, so she stays at home and takes ...
... musicians to educate citizens especially on civic matters. Non-Governmental Organizations commonly use singers to execute their social development projects. Some of the most effective anti-AIDS or malaria ...
... i consider my mother because she brought me up and educated me. I never at one moment felt that i was not living with my real mother. Rest in peace aunty maggie! you are still the iron lady. After my a ...
... educated, she cannot find a job, so she stays at home and takes care of domestic chores. The husband takes advantage of his bread winner status to inflict emotional as well as physical pain on his wife. ...
... on my award-winning script, Fifty-Fifty, which tells the story of a US educated woman who returns to her African village to find that when her dad died, her mom’s house was taken away simply because tradition ...
...  Alenne Menget (AM): I was born into a very modest family but was privileged to have educated parents. I’m a true son of my father. I grew up watching my artistic dad play with words. Although highly ...
... one that some younger ones can choose to follow. YEFON wants young girls to know its okay to say No to bad practices. Lets be educated, make our own money, be safe, healthy, make right choices, be beautiful ...
... life, why not take corrective measures to wipe out their existence? As communicators, we think it is our role to educate the masses and in the process, we contribute enormously to social development.  ...
... of days therefore, a team of actors and crew members have been on locations shooting stories that exploit themes around moral and sex education. “We also have a mandate as film makers to educate the public ...
... people who are not afraid to follow their dreams and achieve success. The criteria or categories speak for themselves. We aim to use this list again to inspire, motivate and educate other people to develop ...
...   A) Educate producers not to use branded products without written contracts  B) Aggressive marketing via internet, radio, TV and road shows  C) Press briefings before and after the ...
... every scripts? C.C: I would only accept scripts that are helpful to society. Scripts that cannot educate or send across a vital message are not meant for me. E.K: Have you ever been invited to ...
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  • Well, I think the CEA was a very shallow and misgu... More...
  • This is creativity we are talking about, this are ... More...
  • Lovelyn,your pre-selection criterias are ok but i'... More...
  • camhood 4 the better More...
  • fame is gd More...
  • cool girls dat was great but this year we the cons... More...