Written and directed by emerging film maker, Neba Lawrence, Forsaken Rose is in the second phase of production. Editing of the 1.30-minute movie shot in Yaounde began last week. “I brought in an experienced editor who will definitely serve movie fans with a wonderful piece,” says Neba. According to the student in Adverstising at the Yaounde Advanced School of Mass Communication (ASMAC), editing of Forsaken Rose will be complet in the coming weeks. “It will be an affordable movie,” he adds. Produced by Dreamstar Images, a Bamenda-based film house, Forsaken Rose stars renowned English-speaking actors such as Ivan Namme, Yimbu Emmanuel, Lynno Lovert, Cosson Chinepoh and features Yvonne Nange, Fojong, Moma Pascal, etc.{mos_fb_discuss:no_discuss}