TTS / Wednesday, 28 October 2009 17:35 |
 Her sporadic appearance on Social Slot on "Hello" (CRTV) might have been a good intro but Fri Louisa's performance in the ongoing My Successor on CRTV is undoubtedly her springboard. Her entry into the movie world has caught everybody's attention. This is largely because the hope-rising actress has demonstrated a mastery of the game she is in love with - acting! A graduate from the University of Yaounde I where she read Lingusitics, Louisa hopes to get to the apex of acting "That's why I mind my language, gesticulations and looks." The 1.66m-tall actress also a talented MC, has also featured in Ancestral Wrath and Rivers to Cross. She is currently on set in Kumba, shooting Audacity of Love, a 52-episode CRTV/Premier Films serial that will succeed My Successor next year. She loves swimming and reading
Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 October 2009 17:40 |