Fun and Facts is one of the best things that ever happened
on CRTV as far as short films are concerned. However, fans of the show have
been deprived for some time now. They will soon have smiles on their faces once
again, following the imminent come-back of Funs and Facts. In a recent
agreement with CRTV, the producers of the short films, Jedida Pictures have been
tasked to provide 100 short films to the national broadcaster every year.
Jedida has therefore set out for work. Shooting of the first segment of the
short films has begun in Yaounde.
This follows a popular casting that held in Yaounde last weekend. Over a hundred
Yaounde-based actors and actresses showed up for the exercise. According to the
GM of Jedida, Nintai Vivian, the film house intends to project young actors and
actresses via Fun and Facts. “That’s why I’ll make some of them permanent
members of Jedida,” she said. And added: “The more we use them, the more
they become popular. Imagine how much an actor would have marketed himself if
he features in 100 short films,” Nintai said. Fun and Facts, it should
be recalled deals with society issues of great concern. The first season had
renowned actors such as Chi Anthony, Agwe George alias Zakzo and Nintai Vivian